Protect the Fleet
The carrier group you spotted with the interceptors, which consists of fighters, corvettes, destroyers, ion cannon frigates, and the carrier, will make its way to your mothership. The fighters and corvettes come in first. Use your fleet and target every enemy ship. Clean out this first wave of enemy strike craft and corvettes.
The capital ships soon follow. A problem arises: The Taiidan carrier group has deployed a cloaking device that will hide frigates when they aren't shooting. You'll likely spot ion cannon frigates appearing out of nowhere. When they fire, however, they emerge from the cloak field. As soon as they emerge, target them with your capital-ship group. During the fight, and after you've noticed the cloak, fleet intelligence informs you that you can now research cloak technology and construct the cloaked fighter.
As you near the carrier group, target the capital ships with your own capital-ship group (about 10-12 capital ships is preferred, with a mix of destroyers, missile destroyers, assault frigates, and, hopefully, any captured heavy cruisers). Use support frigates to guard and repair your capital-ship group. Use your strike craft and corvettes on any remaining fighters and corvettes. Also, locate the Taiidan cloak generator and destroy it.
 Assist the Taiidan defector by eliminating his pursuers. |
Once this first group is destroyed, have your resource collector begin harvesting the resources. Build a few probes, and bring up the long-range sensor map. Spot the red blips on the radar, and send some probes to investigate each dot. You'll find two more carrier groups and several solo corvettes (multigun corvettes) that either remain in position or come to harass your mothership.
Heal your fleet with the support frigates, and move to another carrier group. As you continue through the mission, these carrier groups will move toward your mothership. Use five to six interceptors to take down all the solo multigun corvettes hanging around.
Make sure you're moving your capital-ship group together. Don't let the group spread apart when approaching a Taiidan carrier group, or the lead ships will become overwhelmed by strike craft and corvette attack. You'll likely spot a Taiidan resource collector and controller inside one of these groups (or apart from the group). Eliminate them as soon as possible. Fleet intelligence doesn't inform you of their existence.
Definitive ship and resource management strategies
Masterful movement and combat methods
Comprehensive unit information
Detailed campaign walk-through
Proven multiplayer tactics
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