Icewind Dale Game Guide
Level 7 Spells
You can only memorize one level 7 spell and that's only if you reach level 14, so choose wisely.

Acid Storm (Evocation)
Wow. We're getting to the powerful stuff now, aren't we? At first, this spell looks less powerful than some of the other cloud spells, until you realize that enemies continue to take damage even if they leave the cloud.

Finger of Death (Necromancy)
Point, click, and die. This will instantly kill anything it is pointed at unless a saving throw is made, in which case, a good amount of damage will still be incurred.

Mass Invisibility (Illusion/Phantasm)
This has the same effect as casting invisibility on all members of your party. It can also affect enemies, so be careful where you cast.

Monster Summoning V (Conjuration/Summoning)
The higher the level, the more powerful the monsters. This is the same as the previous level, except it brings more powerful monsters for a longer time.

Mordenkainen's Sword (Evocation)
This is the world's first long-distance sword. It hits for 5 to 30 damage and can hit anyone in sight of the caster. Use it on boss creatures who are immune to normal damage, as it hits as a magical +2 weapon.

Power Word: Stun (Conjuration/Summoning)
This word will stun any creature with less than 90 current hit points - even more powerful creatures can be affected once injured - and there is no saving throw. This can be quite cool against powerful baddies.

Prismatic Spray (Conjuration/Summoning)
This is my personal favorite level 7 spell. It shoots forth a huge jet of pretty colors, doing loads of damage and other effects, depending on which color hits. If you were me, you'd memorize this puppy.

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