
In the next room, you'll find a note from another adventurer less fortunate than you. Proceed to the next room, avoiding the trap near the body.
Here, you'll talk to Norlinor, a priest who will tell you about Terikan, a lich who is infesting the entombment area to the north. Tell him you'll help, then proceed northward. (You can ask him to heal you if you need it.)
You'll kill Terikan for the first time in this area. |
In this room, you'll find many enemies and many sarcophagi that can be looted. Kill the enemies first, but don't ascend the center stairway until you've explored the rest of the area, as the lich is up on top of those stairs. Also be aware that a lot of the sarcophagi are trapped. Once you're ready, climb the stairs and take on Terikan. Once he's dead, grab his key (one of the tombs is directly in front of the next door on the west side) and immediately proceed through the northern door. (He'll respawn until you destroy his phylactery.)
The party member on the left is in the tomb containing Terikan's phylactery, while the one on the right is in Jamoth's tomb, where you must take the phylactery to be destroyed. |
Once you're in the tomb room, immediately head for the second tomb from the far end on the left. Grab Terikan's phylactery, then go to the second tomb from the entrance on the right. Terikan's essence (and his minions) will then be destroyed, and you'll be free to explore the rest of these two areas without him constantly respawning. Be sure to go back and talk to Norlinor, as he'll give you tons of experience and a cool weapon, along with the key to the northern tomb exit door. You can also optionally get another item from Larrel's daughter, Evayne, in the tomb across from Terikan's. Once you're done here, you can take it back to Larrel for a huge reward.
After you've spoken with Norlinor, go back to the tomb and exit through the northern exit with your newfound key. Chapter four is completed. On to Wyrm's Tooth and the fifth chapter.