This guide is a step by step walkthrough to completing the game.
Note that this guide covers all secret areas.
Thus it may not be the most direct route to completing a level.
Level 13: Bespin Platform
New Weapons: Golan Arms Flechette New Enemies: Stormtrooper Squad Leader, Tavion Force Updates: Level 1 Lightning, Level 2 Saber Defense Secret Areas: 1
Shot 13-1 Right the Reborn then go through the door and down
the hall. From the main room, take either door and continue.
Shot 13-2 (Secret Area) Go through the door and enter this
room. Get the goodies in the secret area under the stairs, then go
up the stairs and into the small room to get the Commander's security key. Now go back to the main room.
Shot 13-3 Take the lift up, but first look up and shoot the
trip mines. Go up the lift and down the hall and then use the key to get into this room. Hit the switch and then go back down the
Shot 13-4 Get this Commander's security key to open
the small doors on your left. Get the goods and then go down the hall like in step 1.