you will find our strategies on playing the Jedi Master gametype.
It is first advisable to learn the various Force
Powers and Weapons, as well
as familiarize yourself with the Items
and basic game mechanics before attempting to play this competative
Master is an often under-appreciated, but rather fun change
of pace from the everyday saber duels and deathmatch servers.
should come here with a basic understanding of FFA (deathmatch)
gameplay, as well as knowledge of all the Force Powers. It
is highly recommended that you create a Force CFG file specifically
for this mode. Here is a sample
CFG file for you to modify to your needs.
Master (sometimes abbreviated "JM")
Master is unfortunately perhaps the most underplayed game
mode in Jedi Outcast today. This does not always have to be
the case however! I would encourage server admins reading
this to seriously consider giving this game mode a chance,
as it can be quite fun with enough people.
game itself is much like the old schoolyard game of “tag.”
match begins like a normal Deathmatch, except that no player
has any Force (except for Level 1 Force Jump) or a lightsaber.
Thus players are limited to the Stun Baton, Bryar Pistol and
whatever guns/explosive and gadgets they can pick up and use.
cannot harm one another (though they could theoretically blast
each other off ledges) in this state. Essentially they are
all on the same “team.”
is one lightsaber in the level (that always respawns in the
same place) which glows gold through walls. Once picked up,
this player becomes the Jedi Master. As the JM, he receives
200 health (total) and all of the Force Powers at their highest
levels (except for Absorb and Drain) while some music plays.
The JM glows blue (through walls) to all non-force players.
His 200 health count down until it reaches 100, and then it
functions as normal. He loses access to all his weapons (minus
the saber) but his items and shields remain as before.
the rest of the players are able to kill him. He scores points
by killing the non-force players. The JM’s only weapon
is his lightsaber (and the Force) and any items he can pick
the JM may score, thus it’s a race for the lightsaber
and who can hold onto it and get the most kills. The non-force
players may work together to kill the JM, but after that,
it’s every person for himself!
Pathakjee pointed out that in fact killing the Jedi Master
is also worth a point.
in mind that you can use all the force powers, so utilize
a control config that takes advantage of this. You can also
still use items like the Assault Sentry and Seeker, and pickup
the Large Shield Boost, which you will definitely need to
stay alive.
works best when there are a lot of players (6 and up, IMHO,
though it varies with the map).
the lightsaber as soon as possible, but on your way there,
be sure to pickup items you will need later, like the Assault
Sentry, Portable Shield Generator and Shield Boosts. Note
that there are no Force Enlightenments in the maps (for obvious
reasons). On a level with lots of ledges, its easy pickings
as you push, pull, and grip people over the edge. Your main
concern as the JM is to not be overwhelmed.
to take out opponents one at a time by keeping them separated.
Use your superior maneuverability with Speed/Jump to keep
them in chaos (keeping tabs on them with Seeing, whilst avoiding
Disruptor shots).
the JM is difficult when you’re a non-forcer, so go
for the big guns and explosives. He will be able to pull your
weapons away, so be ready with Thermal Detonators (if you
can get that close). The Assault Sentry can be a good distraction.
Stay away from ledges and pitfalls. If you happen to blast
him to his doom off a cliff, the saber will respawn in the
pre-determined place for that map, go for it!
it pays to hang back, if there’s a big fire fight going
on, so that you can be ready to snatch the saber up after
the JM dies and it goes bouncing around. Protection is a good
idea, but fleeing with speed (to get your bearings) is important
too. Your mana recharges at the rate of a Jedi Master, but
you should still be on the lookout for bacta and Large Shield
Boosts to keep your shields and health at maximum.
Playing as the Jedi Master
The first 100 seconds
after grabbing the Lightsaber are perhaps the most important,
as that's the maximum amount of time that 200 health can last
before you're reduced to normal health maximum. Sometimes
it may even pay to "wait" to snatch up the Lightsaber
handle until some guys are nearby for you to attack right
away with that extra health.
If you just grabbed a Super Shield (or two) you're even better,
with 200/200 (tricky, but possible).
your saber out. This may seem obvious, but there's little
point in stealth, since other players can see you glowing
from the other side of the map, and you need your blade for
kills and blocking incoming projectiles.
your lightsaber is a powerful, powerful weapon (you're the
Jedi Master, remember?) you should do everything you can to
maximize the amount of damage you can do to your foes to stay
on top. This means not bothering to use Strong
Stance (except for the occasional kill if you can time it
right)... unless you're an expert. You'll have better luck
with Fast or
occasionally Medium.
keep in mind that Strong
stance is very dangerous because it leaves you open when you
do a big swing, like the Death From Above move. Fast
is weak, but allows you to strike several opponents quickly,
whilst blocking their shots most of the time.
that you have both defensive and offensive Force. Thus you
combine the philosophies of the playing styles of both Dark
and Light Side Jedi. Use the attack powers to enhance your
lightsaber attacks against your foes (Lightning, Grip, Dark
Rage, Push, Pull, Lightsaber Throw, and your special abilities
like the Kick) while using your defensive powers to keep you
alive long enough to survive each assault since you'll be
constantly under attack (Protect, Heal).
Trick is a toss up. While it makes you invisible to players
on screen, I have not tested (and you can see why when it
seems there are usually only 1 or 2 servers online at any
time in version 1.04) to see if it masks the huge "glow"
that you normally give off through walls. If anybody knows,
drop me a
to David Pathakjee Mind Trick does indeed mask the
glow of the Jedi Master.
Speed, Jump and the Portable Shield Generator to get away
from crowds and buy you time to collect health, shields and
other items you'll need to survive. Remember your score is
based on kills, not survival time (although these go hand
in hand usually). Lightsabers are not big kill tally weapons,
so you'll need to do your share of Push/Pull/Gripping people
off cliffs and into traps. There is little place for honor
in this mode, since you're being ganged up on by non-Jedi,
so fight dirty!
liberal use of Assault Sentries and the Seeker drone to give
you more support fire and perhaps an extra kill here and there.
Hog the Super Shields (since they can get them too) and Bactas.
personally would avoid using Dark Rage unless you know you
can take out everyone in the room with it (which is difficult
with just a lightsaber) considering the recovery period is
agonizingly long, and you'll be set upon immediately (and
probably lose your Lightsaber in the process!).
Playing Against the Jedi Master
the Shield and Health powerups so that he can't use them.
Stock up on lots of weapons since he'll be be able to disarm
you (but not use them) and you'll have to be ready to use
another one or run and pick up your lost gun.
explosives on him, since those are impossible to block with
the lightsaber (just watch out for him pushing the projectiles
you have the Bryar or ST Rifle, try for a "crotch shot"
to get past his saber and score a hit. Crouching while firing
sometimes does the trick, but don't just sit there, as he'll
be on you in a second. Your targets should be his back, non-saber
side, and below the belt, or in the chest while his saber
is away (for example while he's winding up for the big DFA
may be useful, but remember that he can dodge charged Disruptor
shots with Seeing (mix up Primary and Secondary to nullify
his advantage).
stay away from ledges since he can easily Push or Grip you
over the side. Setup mine traps, and if possible get the other
non-Force guys to flush him towards your trap.
you can grab the Ysalamari, this will stop him from using
the Force on you, but not from his Saber swings or Throw,
so don't get cocky.