/ Basic Strategy
you will find our strategies on preparing for battle, and
the basics of combat.
below to skip ahead to a specific section:
while it has many elements that make it different from other
games in the FPS genre, does however, have many fundamental
similarities in terms of gameplay.
Multiplayer contests the human (and AI controlled "bot")
characters are placed in a game level (or "Map")
that acts as an Arena for their combat. They then procede
to fight to the death (the exact details depend on the gametype).
games fall into two basic categories, individual games and
team games. In the individual games, every player tries to
keep themselves alive, while destroying their enemies (the
rest of the players they encounter) through their use of the
available weapons, items, and the map's terrain features.
Players score points by killing their enemies, and lose points
for inadvertantly killing themselves.
team based games, players must work together for their chosen
group, to defeat the enemy team's members, and the score is
a combined one.
adds some elements to the mix that are not found in very many
FPS games. These features involve the ability to switch from
first to third person on the fly (except with Lightsabers,
which are always used in third person perspective), the use
of melee weapons (especially the Lightsaber) and the use of
Force Powers (that enhance player abilities or grant special
characteristics or bonuses when used in certain situations).
Success depends on the player's ability both to master their
own use of weaopns and Force Powers, knowing the layout of
the map, and knowing their enemies (being able to anticipate,
counter, and thwart, whenever possible, the strategies of
their enemies to beat them).
Brief Description of Game Modes
Jedi Vs. Merc is only available in version 1.04 and up for
servers that have it enabled.
Type |
Notes |
For All (FFA, aka "Deathmatch") |
other players to score points.
most common gametype.
FFA (aka "Team Deathmatch") |
members of enemy team to score points. |
the Flag (CTF) |
enemy team's Flag while protecting your own. |
the Flag (CTY) |
the enemy team's Ysalamari while protecting your own. |
other players to score points. Force Powers are obtained
by picking up Holocrons. |
Master |
begin with No Force. Pick up the map's one Lightsaber
to become a Jedi with all powers. Kill players as the
Jedi Master to score points. |
Duel |
one on one battles with other players to score points.
Usually played with "Lightsaber only" and
often with No Force. |
vs. Merc |
special hidden modification that can apply to any gametype.
Players can choose to be a No Force Gun/Explosive user
or a Full Force Jedi with a Lightsaber. Item use is
also different for each player class. (See Jedi
vs. Merc page for details). |
in mind these game types can be played with any level of Force,
and with or without "Lightsabers Only" applied to
them. In your server browser, games will have appropriate
icons in front of them to let you know if these options (No
Force, Saber Only, Jedi
Vs. Merc) are in place.
you click on "Join Game" you get the following screen
(be sure you set the Source to "Internet" unless
you're going to play on your local LAN):
that each "version" of the game (1.02, 1.03, 1.04)
will only display games that are the same version, thus 1.04
will not list 1.02 or 1.03 servers. Also servers with pings
that are too high won't be listed at all. You can also choose
to filter out Full or Empty games.
can click on "Server Info" to display the settings
(and players currently playing) on the highlighted server.
See the
game manual and readme for further details.
Icon |
Description |
Protected Server.
the server and click on the word "Password"
with your mouse at the bottom of the screen to enter
Force" Server.
Force Jump Level 1 is available.
There is possibly a difference between these in that one is "all force disabled" while another is "some force disable" (ie: one or more powers shut off).
If anyone can verify which is which please let me know!
Only" Server.
other weapons disabled.
Vs. Merc" Server.
choose either a Jedi (Full Force,
Lightsaber Only) or Mercenary (No
Force, No Lightsaber)
the lower the ping (in ms) the smoother the gameplay experience.
It is advisable to join servers below 100 ms if possible,
although with slower connections this may not be feasible
most of the time. As long as you stay below 250 ms, the game
should be somewhat playable. Some dialup modem users inform
me that they can tolerate up to 450 ms ping with some degree
of playability.
to say, that with all internet games, "Lag" is a
fact of life, and can be compensated for somewhat by firing
ahead of targets (called "leading") or hitting them
more often.
is affected primarily by your ISP (Internet Service Provider)
and connection speed. People who use 56K (or slower) modems
and users of services like AOL will probably experience the
most lag. Joining servers far away from you (such as overseas)
will also tend to be a bad idea if you want to avoid heavily
in-game server browser is the main way to play JK2 online.
However, there are other ways to find games.
are other free options that you might consider trying:
is a free server browser/gamefinder/launcher that acts as
a seperate program. It works with dozens of online games (and
shoutcast mp3 servers), and has neat features like mapshot
packs and player trackers. Well worth checking out if you
play a lot of online games! You don't have to use your web
browser and no signups are required to use this program. Also
has partial support for various LAN games.
with a lot of games, including the original Jedi Knight and
Mysteries of the Sith expansion.
is a free alternative to the Zone. It sprung up more recently
and covers a lot of games. Basically you sign up, join chatrooms,
and launch games from there after finding players. Like the
"Zone" it requires you to install a bunch of software
for your browser before you can use it, and to sign up for
their free service. You may also be required to "update"
your software periodically, like the Zone.
with a lot of games, including the original Jedi Knight and
Mysteries of the Sith expansion.
Gaming Zone
the "IGZ" (Internet Gaming Zone) or just "the
Zone." This is the "cheap-o" option for gaming.
It's free, and has been around a long time, but tends to be
a "last resort" for most serious gamers (editorial
opinion). I would recommend only using this if you can't find
games anywhere else. Though it does have a bunch of chatrooms,
they aren't as nice as GSA. The only real benefit to this
is that it tends to have a lot of players, and works with
some games that aren't supported elsewhere. Their policies
and joining requirements change often, so read all the legal
docs before you commit.
with a lot of games, including the original Jedi Knight and
Mysteries of the Sith expansion.
you have any others you'd like me to add, please send
them my way!
first, and most important step before venturing into battle
is making sure everything is configured properly. This is
a complex process that varies greatly with the individual.
However, here are some basic tips that most players will find
useful for optimizing their chances of success.
to the game's manual and documentation for details on configuring
these settings, your hardware setup may vary):
sure that the brightness level (or "gamma correction")
in both the game and on your monitor are set such that it
is not too bright, or too dim. Obviously, you want to be able
to see what's going on clearly!
addition, be advised that (at the time of release) JK2 is
a rather system intensive game, and so most players (except
those lucky enough to own top of the line hardware) will not
be able to play the game at the highest display and sound
settings. There is no shame in this, as players in multiplayer
games use a wide variety of systems and configurations, and
nobody can see what's on your end but you (and whoever else
may be in the room with you).
advise taking whatever settings you are comfortable with using
in the Single Player game, and taking them down a notch or
two. For the sake of gameplay, it is better to lower the "eye
candy" a bit in favor of a faster, smoother game.
sure your volume is turned up high enough (don't wake the
neighbors!) so that you can hear the in-game sounds and warnings
clearly enough. If it's too loud or too quiet, you may not
be able to discern what's going on readily enough.
worst comes to worst, and you can afford it, sometimes it
may pay off to consider upgrading your system a bit, if the
game is too slow or choppy, even at lower detail settings.
If you want to have a better game playing experience, this
may be necessary, if it's worthwhile to you.
your system's resources conservatively, and you will most
often have a faster, smoother game. Don't have lots of windows
open, and programs running in the background while you play.
This all eats up precious memory (especially on a Windows
based system) that a big game like JK2 needs to perform optimally.
may be a good idea to restart your operating system prior
to playing, and make sure all other unnecessary programs are
shut down.
addition Email checking programs, internet browsers, virus
scanners, and other programs may eat up your online resources
as well, causing "lag" in your gameplay on the internet
(this may lead to high "pings," which can ruin the
gaming experience, because everything appears slower or reactions
are delayed in-game).
you're just going to run a server, but not join it, run a
DEDICATED SERVER (see manual and documentation for
details on running one). This will save you some system resources
and the game will be less likely to "crash," ruining
the game for those trying to join it. Good server admins will
periodically "check on" their games in progress
to make sure things are going alright, and usually will have
map cycling and vote settings enabled to allow players to
change settings in their absence (to add some variety).
that when it comes to playing online, dial-up (modems, 56K
and below) will always be the slowest and most annoying ways
to play (but they are cheap, and many people can't afford
to upgrade to broadband). Thus "lag" and medium
to high pings (over 100 ms) should be expected. Try to adapt
to the slowness by predicting where your opponents and shots
will go, and compensating for the choppiness.
best bet is to always join servers that are relatively close
to you, having the lowest pings possible. Broadband (cable,
DSL, etc) and LAN (Local Area Networks) can be expensive to
setup and are not available to the public in all areas, but
they can greatly enhance the gaming experience, since pings
are usually lower, and make for a smoother game.
when upgrading your connection is not possible, it may still
be possible to change to a better ISP (Internet Service Provider).
Some ISP's are not very 'game friendly' for most users (AOL
comes to mind).
is perhaps the most important consideration when playing,
since all of your in-game actions are controlled through your
various input devices (keyboards, mice, joysticks, etc) and
you, as the user of those controls, need to know exactly what
does what.
players of FPS titles are familiar with the keyboard and mouse
setup, and it tends to be the preferred control scheme for
this type of game. In general, a multibutton mouse (I prefer
the optical variety, with its fast tracking speed) and decent
keyboard, setup in a comfortable manner is best. Get yourself
a comfy chair to sit in while you're at it.
controls should be setup in a manner that you are comfortable
with, where your fingers can reach the buttons that activate
all important functions in a relatively swift manner. I strongly
recommend setting hotkeys (key binds) to all of your Force
Powers, as well as the key to activate your Lightsaber (someplace
other than the default number keys). Scrolling or cycling
through weapons and powers is always slower than simply hitting
a key (though you may wish to bind your "next/prev"
weapon key to the mouse-wheel.. another common setup that
works for many players).
of the time, in multiplayer games, keeping in constant motion
(to make yourself a more difficult target and to keep your
opponents guessing) is a good idea, and so I like to use "Always
Run" as my default option. There are a few cases where
walking is used (such as navigating a precarious ledge, or
to aide in stealth), and so that key should be nearby as well.
will not go on about my own control configuration, since every
person's is different and you become comfortable with your
own after awhile. However, I will give one piece of advice.
That is to make yourself a CONTROL CFG FILE.
CFG Files
(files with the "cfg" extension) have been part
of the Quake3 engine (which JK2 uses a modified version of)
since the beginning, and many FPS gamers are familiar with
how they work.
use a CFG file, the user brings up the in-game Console (a
command line menu) by pressing the tilde (the `~ key to the
left of the 1 key on standard keyboards) while holding down
the SHIFT key, and then entering the following command:
<CFG File>
<CFG File> is the name of the file with the CFG extension
to be executed)
complete lists of Console Commands are found elsewhere (see
the official product pages and game documentation for details),
but a couple of useful commands are:
<key> <function>
(where "key" is the key, and "function"
is what you want to do, for example:)
bind f12 screenshot
it so that every time you press f12, the game will take a
screenshot for you.
will toggle a display for your current FPS (frames per second)
in game. The higher the number, the smoother your gameplay
will be. Type the command again with a 0 instead of 1 to turn
it off.
cg_lagometer 1
This will display a red box on the right side of your HUD which shows the lag you're experiencing. Typically yellow peaks or "mountains" mean server lag (between you and the server). Green peaks or mountains mean lag on your end (CPU lag, your computer is chugging or low on resources, perhaps from displaying a large amount of models and explosions on screen at once or programs running in the background). Little blue blips are normal. So a few blue blips and little yellow blips (close to a flat line) are pretty good.
Remember that lag happens most often when a player first joins and when they leave. So don't get upset if somebody joins with 999 ping. Just wait 30 seconds to a minute and they should be normal ping ("normal" being 100's-200's for most people).
Switch to 0 to turn off the Lago-O-Meter!
another useful one:
con_notifytime "6"
command controls the amount of time chat text displays on
the screen in multiplayer. I set it to 6, because I often
miss what people say otherwise. Configure it how you like.
a CFG file is simple. Simply create a text file, and give
it the extension cfg, and it can be used. More detailed explanations
exist for CFG files on a myriad of sites. What I recommend
is creating a seperate CFG file for DarkSide setup and LightSide
setup, seperate from your Single Player cfg file(s) (since
SP is so different).
are my DarkSide and LightSide
cfg files for reference, you may modify them to your liking
and use them yourself if you wish. Place all CFG files into
your "base" directory in the directory where JK2
is installed, and they will be available to exec through the
is a Master cfg
file, for use in Holocron FFA and Jedi
Master gametypes (incorporates all applicable Force
Makes Perfect (or Perfect Practice Makes Less Imperfect)
purpose of this site is to help you become a better player,
or to at least think like a player who wishes to improve their
short of practice and quick-reflexes will make you a better
player in the long run. Practice what you will play. Playing
Single Player won't prepare you for Multiplayer, since everything
is so different. I recommend playing against Bots (the AI
controlled simulated human opponents built-into the game)
at a higher level of difficulty than you are comfortable with
(might as well play on the highest Jedi Master setting). While
not as good as playing against humans, it is excellent practice
to get familiar with the game and how it plays.
is a good idea to memorize the layout of the in-game maps,
the locations of weapons, good sniper positions, shortcuts,
flag bases, item pickups, etc. Get to know where the "respawn"
points are for items (especially shields, health, and bacta)
and where players will appear. This saves getting lost or
covering the same ground too often in battles.
you step into the real multiplayer games on the internet,
you should play at least a few Bot matches, and/or run around
in an empty multiplayer map, learning the layout and testing
weapons/powers to get yourself familiar with things. Even
veteran players will do this periodically, to "warm up"
and to practice new techniques.
you practice with Lightsabers all the time, but don't practice
guns, your skills may deteriorate in this area over time,
and vice versa, so it is a good idea to practice a variety
of skills, after you have mastered the basics, to keep yourself
in good form (if you want to be a good player). Not everyone
has the time, obviously, to put in the practice needed to
become a top notch player, and not all are willing. But, if
you want to be good, you may need to put in some "training
time." ; )
After you have finished with your setup functions, it is probably
a good idea to exit the game (since if the game crashes, sometimes
settings will be lost) and be sure your options are saved.
Note that CFG files will have to be executed each time you
play (and can be executed on the fly in the Console) unless
you create an autoexec.cfg (that can load multiple cfg files
on game-startup).
cfg files are stored in your /base folder of your JK2 directory.
It may be a good idea to make copies of your favorite cfg's
and store them elsewhere, in case you need them, or wish to
share them with others.
now recommend moving on to the Force
sections to set up your Force Powers,
and the Weapon, Items,
and Lightsaber sections to
familiarize yourself with the other tools you will need to
master in the game.