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Submissions Page

(Read this First Before Submitting Files or Strategies)

Here you can contact us to send in your strategies, tactics, hints about Multiplayer that you would like to see posted.

This is also the place to point out to us any errors, typos, inconsistencies, or contradictions in our posted content.

This site, as a community resource, depends on you, the fans, to keep us going, and keep us honest! We need your feedback about our content, to send us new ideas, and to help us test out ideas when possible.

Keep in mind that we reserve the right to post any submitted info when we have the time, or not at all, but in general we will post whatever, as long as it works, and will give proper credit where credit is due (we urge you to do the same, so don't rip off somebody else's article and copy/paste it to us as your own!).

We strive most for accuracy on this page, but we do make mistakes from time to time (like all humans) so please correct us.

While we test the things we are sent before posting (which also delays the posting process), it may be helpful to send us some "evidence" of your techniques, in the form of screenshots (okay) or recorded demos (great!). If possible, in the demo, include commentary (you can use chat mode for this) to describe what it is you're doing. Before sending us files, do us a favor and zip them up in a compressed zip file format, and include an explanation of what's going on and who you are (in a text file in the zip if possible, if not, in the body of the email itself).

You can also send us a text file containing an explanation of your strategy. Try to be complete and accurate (it's nice to run your file through a spell-checker to save us the trouble) remember, other people will be wanting to read this!

You can also send us a link to your article or strategy, if you have already posted it someplace else and don't want to give us a local copy, if you are the author and giving us permission to post or link to it (specify which it is in your email, so we don't have to guess). If you send us an article that you did not write, we'll have to ask permission of the author(s) ourselves, which takes extra time. It helps in these cases, to contact the author before hand, tell him or her about our site, and ask if you can send it in (or ask him or her to send it to us).

If you do not wish your email address to be posted on our site (we will just post your handle or name giving you credit), please let us know when you send the file.

We may contact you to inform you if we cannot get your technique to work. Be patient, sometimes we're slow learners. ; )

Finally, we ask that you do not spam us for mods, or ask for cheats or send us cheats or any "hacking" requests. We will delete such messages and ignore them. This site is about normal gameplay, not mod or cheat-use.

Send your Strategy Submissions to Kurgan!