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Horses are a key component of combat. For more information see the mounted combat page.

This table is comprised of raw data extracted from item_kinds1.txt using the M&B Item Editor. The bottom part of the table shows what is changed with the different horse quality modifiers. As a general rule, Heavy horses are the absolute best at combat while Spirited are the absolute best at speed.

In practise, merchants will normally charge more for horses they sell and pay less for those they buy. Putting points in Trade will bring these amounts closer to the horse's true value.

Picture   ↓ Name   ↓ Base cost   ↓ Armor   ↓ Speed   ↓ Maneuver   ↓ Charge   ↓ Hit points   ↓ Riding   ↓
Sumpter Horse Sumpter Horse 64 17 34 33 9 110 1
Saddle Horse Saddle Horse 112 14 39 36 8 100 1
Saddle Horse Saddle Horse (Spirited and Heavy versions) 112 14 39 36 8 100 1
Steppe Horse Steppe Horse 92 15 37 41 7 100 2
Courser Courser 323 16 43 37 11 100 2
Hunter Hunter 434 29 40 36 18 130 3
Warhorse Warhorse 724 52 36 34 18 135 4
Charger Charger 1411 65 35 32 25 140 4
Modifiers   ↓ Base cost   ↓ Armor   ↓ Speed   ↓ Maneuver   ↓ Charge   ↓ Hit points   ↓ Riding req.   ↓
Lame 40% -5 -5
Swaybacked 60% -2 -2
Stubborn 90% +5 +1
Heavy 190% +3 +4 +10
Spirited 650% +1 +1 +1
Champion 1450% +2 +2 +2 +2
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