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Cleanup required: Table formatting

Modifier Cost Damage Speed Req Quantity Note
Cracked 50% -5
Rusty 55% -3
Bent 65% -3 -3
Chipped 85% -1
Heavy 190% +2 -2
Balanced 350% +3 +3
Strong 490% +3 -3 +2 only bows
Tempered 670% +4 only swords
Masterwork 1750% +5 +1 +4
Large Bag 190% +1 for thrown weapons
+3 for bolts
+4 for arrows

Weapons in Mount&Blade are divided into a number of categories based on the weapon proficiencies used when wielding them. Weapons can also have various modifiers (shown to the right) that determine weapon quality or attribute changes. Some modifiers are only for certain type of weapons.

Piercing and Blunt weapons receive a bonus against armor. Blunt damage will knock an enemy unconscious without killing them, so they may be taken prisoner. Horses deliver blunt damage when they trample enemies. Due to the lower base damage, blunt weapons work best as a second or third weapon where you can tell your forces to use blunt weapons to mop up a few prisoners near the end of battle. Piercing weapons work best on horseback or against calvary where the added speed and range can deliver a damage bonus.

These tables are raw data extracted from item_kinds1.txt using the M&B Item Editor. In practise, merchants will normally charge more for weapons they sell and pay less for those they buy. Putting points in Trade will bring these amounts closer to the item's true value. Weapons that cannot be purchased (those that lack the "merchandise" flag) are not listed here.



[edit] One-handed

One-handed weapons can have the Cracked, Chipped, Rusty, and Balanced modifiers (some weapons cannot have particular modifiers). A few can have the Masterwork and Tempered modifiers.

[edit] Blunt

Name   ↓ Cost   ↓ Weight   ↓ Speed   ↓ Length   ↓ Thrust   ↓ Swing   ↓ Special   ↓
Wooden Stick 4 2.5 99 90 13b
Cudgel 4 2.5 99 90 13b
Hammer 7 2.0 100 55 14b
Club 11 2.5 95 95 15b
Spiked Club 44 1.5 99 70 16b
Winged Mace (1) 122 3.5 99 80 21b
Winged Mace (2) 212 2.5 98 60 24b
Spiked Mace (1) 180 3.5 95 90 20b
Spiked Mace (2) 152 2.5 98 62 23b
Military Hammer 317 4.0 92 90 25b
Knobbed Mace 98 2.5 98 60 21b
Club With Spike 72 3.5 103 80 25p 26b can be used as 2H weapon

[edit] Piercing

"str" is the Strength requirement (if any).

Name   ↓ Cost   ↓ Weight   ↓ Str   ↓ Speed   ↓ Length   ↓ Thrust   ↓ Swing   ↓
Pickaxe 27 3.0 96 80 19p
Spiked Club (1) 83 3.0 97 97 21p
Spiked Club (2) 45 1.5 99 62 19p
Fighting Pick 108 3.5 94 90 25p
Military Pick 142 4.0 90 90 27p
Morningstar 205 5.5 13 75 98 29p

[edit] Cutting

"str" is the Strength requirement (if any).

Name   ↓ Cost   ↓ Weight   ↓ Str   ↓ Speed   ↓ Length   ↓ Thrust   ↓ Swing   ↓ Special   ↓
Sickle 1 1.5 99 40 20c can't block
Cleaver 3 1.5 103 30 24c can't block
Knife 4 0.5 110 40 13p 21c can't block
Butchering Knife 13 0.75 108 60 17p 24c can't block
Dagger 17 0.75 112 47 19p 22c can't block
Falchion 105 2.5 8 96 73 30c
Scimitar 108 1.5 105 97 29c
Hatchet 3 2.0 97 60 23c bonus against shield
Hand Axe 24 2.0 7 95 75 27c bonus against shield
Fighting Axe 77 2.5 9 92 90 31c bonus against shield
Bastard Sword 294 2.25 9 98 101 26p 37c can be used as 2H weapon
Heavy Bastard Sword 526 2.25 9 96 105 28p 37c can be used as 2H weapon
One Handed War Axe (1) 87 1.5 9 100 60 32c bonus against shield
One Handed War Axe (2) 137 1.5 9 98 61 34c bonus against shield
One Handed Battle Axe (1) 102 1.5 9 97 69 34c bonus against shield
One Handed Battle Axe (2) 171 1.5 9 96 70 36c bonus against shield
One Handed Battle Axe (3) 294 1.5 9 95 72 38c bonus against shield
Sword (1) 163 1.5 99 95 22p 27c
Sword (2) 243 1.5 99 95 23p 28c
Short Sword 152 1.5 102 85 24p 26c
Arming Sword 410 1.5 99 95 24p 29c
Short Arming Sword 243 1.5 103 86 24p 26c
Nordic Sword (1) 147 1.5 99 94 20p 28c
Nordic Sword (2) 276 1.5 99 95 21p 29c
Nordic Sword (3) 394 1.5 99 95 21p 30c
Nordic Sword (4) 280 1.25 103 86 21p 29c
Nordic Short Sword 162 1.25 103 85 21p 28c
Nomad Sabre 105 1.25 100 97 29c
Sabre (1) 191 1.5 99 97 30c
Sabre (2) 294 1.5 99 98 31c
Heavy Sabre 384 1.75 96 96 33c
Strange Sword 679 2.0 9 108 95 18p 32c can be used as 2H weapon
Strange Short Sword 321 1.25 108 65 19p 25c

[edit] Two-handed

Two-handed weapons can have the Cracked, Chipped, Rusty, and Balanced modifiers (some weapons cannot have particular modifiers). A few can have the Masterwork and Tempered modifiers.

[edit] Blunt

"str" is the Strength requirement.

Name   ↓ Cost   ↓ Weight   ↓ Str   ↓ Speed   ↓ Length   ↓ Thrust   ↓ Swing   ↓
Maul 97 6.0 11 84 79 33b
Sledgehammer 101 7.0 12 82 82 35b
Warhammer 309 9.0 14 85 75 38b

[edit] Cutting

"str" is the Strength requirement.

Name   ↓ Cost   ↓ Weight   ↓ Str   ↓ Speed   ↓ Length   ↓ Thrust   ↓ Swing   ↓ Special   ↓
Great Sword (1) 1123 2.75 10 89 120 28p 42c
Great Sword (2) 423 2.75 10 95 125 31p 39c
Sword of War 524 3.0 11 93 130 31p 40c
Axe 65 4.0 8 91 108 32c bonus against shield
Voulge (1) 129 4.5 8 87 119 35c bonus against shield
Voulge (2) 129 4.5 10 87 100 48c bonus against shield
Battle Axe 240 5.0 9 88 108 41c bonus against shield
War Axe 264 5.0 10 86 110 43c bonus against shield
Two Handed Sword 670 2.75 10 93 110 27p 40c
Bastard Sword 294 2.25 9 98 101 26p 37c can be used as 1H weapon
Heavy Bastard Sword 526 2.25 9 96 105 28p 37c can be used as 1H weapon
Two Handed Axe 110 4.5 10 90 90 40c bonus against shield
Two Handed War Axe 202 4.5 10 92 92 47c bonus against shield
Bardiche 311 4.5 10 87 102 50c bonus against shield
Great Axe 446 4.5 10 90 96 51c bonus against shield
Shortened Military Scythe 264 3.0 10 90 112 44c
Strange Sword 679 2.0 9 108 95 18p 32c can be used as 1H weapon
Strange Great Sword 920 3.5 11 92 125 38c

[edit] Polearms

Polearms can have the Balanced, Bent and Cracked modifiers (some weapons cannot have particular modifiers).

[edit] One-handed

"str" is the Strength requirement (if any).

Name   ↓ Cost   ↓ Weight   ↓ Str   ↓ Speed   ↓ Length   ↓ Thrust   ↓ Swing   ↓ Note   ↓
Scythe 43 3.0 79 182 14p 19c
Pitch Fork 19 3.5 83 154 18p
Military Fork 153 4.5 88 135 23p
Battle Fork 282 4.5 87 142 24p
Boar Spear 76 4.0 81 157 23p
Jousting Lance 158 5.0 61 218 17b
Double Sided Lance 261 5.5 80 130 27p
Staff 36 1.5 100 130 19b 18b
Quarter Staff 60 2.0 104 140 20b 20b
Iron Staff 202 2.0 97 140 26b 25b
Shortened Spear 53 2.0 102 120 25p 19b
Spear 75 2.25 98 135 26p 20b
War Spear 90 2.5 96 150 27p 20b
Military Scythe 145 2.5 10 93 155 25p 36c
Light Lance 89 2.5 90 175 27p 16b
Lance 110 2.5 88 180 26p 16b
Heavy Lance 130 2.75 10 85 190 26p 16b
Pike 125 3.0 81 245 26p 16b can't use on horseback

[edit] Two-handed

"str" is the Strength requirement (if any).

Name   ↓ Cost   ↓ Weight   ↓ Str   ↓ Speed   ↓ Length   ↓ Thrust   ↓ Swing   ↓
Glaive 352 4.5 83 157 21p 38c
Poleaxe 384 6.5 77 180 21p 37c
Ashwood Pike 205 3.5 11 90 170 29p 19b
Awlpike 378 3.5 12 92 160 31p 30c

[edit] Ranged

[edit] Throwing

"req" indicates the Power Throw level needed (if any). Throwing weapons can have the Bent, Balanced, Heavy and Large Bag modifiers.

Name   ↓ Cost   ↓ Weight   ↓ Req   ↓ Speed   ↓ Ammo   ↓ Damage   ↓ Special   ↓
Jarid 209 4.0 2 89 7 33p bonus against shield
Javelin 75 5.0 1 91 7 28p bonus against shield
Stones 1 4.0 97 18 11b
Throwing Knives 76 3.5 121 15 19c
Throwing Daggers 193 3.5 102 14 25c
Throwing Axes 241 5.0 1 99 7 38c bonus against shield

[edit] Bows

"req" indicates the Power Draw level needed (if any). Bows can have the Masterwork, Strong, Cracked and Bent modifiers.

Name   ↓ Cost   ↓ Weight   ↓ Req   ↓ Speed   ↓ Damage   ↓
Hunting Bow 17 1.0 100 15p
Short Bow 58 1.0 1 98 18p
Nomad Bow 164 1.25 2 96 20p
Long Bow 145 1.75 3 82 22p
Khergit Bow 269 1.25 3 95 21p
Strong Bow 437 1.25 3 94 23p
War Bow 728 1.5 4 93 25p

[edit] Crossbows

"str" is the Strength requirement (if any). Crossbows can have the Masterwork, Bent and Cracked modifiers.

Name   ↓ Cost   ↓ Weight   ↓ Str req   ↓ Speed   ↓ Damage   ↓ Note   ↓
Hunting Crossbow 22 2.25 47 28p
Light Crossbow 67 2.5 8 45 34p
Crossbow 182 3.0 8 43 38p can't use on horseback
Heavy Crossbow 349 3.5 9 41 46p can't use on horseback
Siege Crossbow 683 3.75 10 37 49p can't use on horseback

[edit] Ammunition

Ammunition is not a weapon type of its own but is used in conjunction with a bow or crossbow. Arrow types can only be used with bows while Bolt types can only be used with crossbows. Ammunition can have the Bent and Large Bag modifiers.

Name   ↓ Cost   ↓ Weight   ↓ Damage   ↓ Ammo   ↓
Arrows 72 3.0 +1 30
Khergit Arrows 410 3.5 +3 30
Barbed Arrows 124 3.0 +2 30
Bodkin Arrows 350 3.0 +3 29
Bolts 64 2.25 +1 25
Steel Bolts 210 2.5 +2 25
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