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The complete Swadian troop tree

The Swadians are a powerful faction, with good crossbowmen and cavalry as well as fairly strong infantry.

The differences between the Swadians and Vaegirs are somewhat aesthetic; while each his its own individual strengths (Vaegir Marksmen fire much faster than Swadian Sharpshooters) there are also some weaknesses that balance this out.



[edit] Combat strategies

As one of the two original factions, the Swadians have a more developed troop tree than any faction other than the Vaegirs. Swadians boast accurate crossbowmen and durable knights, but the correct use of a varied party is still the key to victory.

[edit] Against infantry

If you are using a less developed party, then it's best to keep your ranged infantry in tight with your regulars until ammo is short. Spreading out and charging is the next logical step. High level cavalry should wait behind sharpshooters until enemies begin returning fire. Spread cavalry and charge to avoid the crossfire.

Although charging them with knights usually works well, the use of ranged units should minimize casualties.

[edit] Against cavalry

The Swadians have excellent knights which, when used en masse, have very few weaknesses. Initial charges against cavalry can lose a few men to lances, so it is best to spread out and hang around your ranged units (if you have them)until the enemy breaks their group formation and pursue. Once their advantage is gone, help mop up.

[edit] Against archers

Cavalry are the nemesis of archers. Speed is the key, as well as keeping your shield up until you have a shot at an enemy. Spread your knights out and charge early, working your way around the group thinning their numbers until they either fall, or your own foot/ranged men close and finish the job.

[edit] Against ranged horsemen

Mounted archers will always be a nuisance to whatever army they fight against. Whilst horsemen amy be considered to be the best option against them, the armoured horses of the Swadians are usually considerably slower and end up prolonging the battle into a chaotic merry go round. The key to victory is either a good troop mixture or a considerably large contingent of one particular type of unit. The crossbowmen of Swadia are well armoured and can provide an immense shower of crossbow bolts when spread out into a cordon line. Swadian heavy infantry can shatter any horsemen unfortunate to charge into them provided they are clustered tightly. Swadian horsemen are capable of harrasing enemy horse archers but unless they out number their enemy, they will do little more than prolong a battle.

[edit] Against mixed forces

Facing a versatile army is always challening as one has to be prepared for every possible confrontation. However, a large army posessing a huge troop roster does not necessarily posesse the most capable or dangerous foes in game. The key to victory is to know your strengths and your enemy's strengths, assuming you are utilizing a good mixture of heavy horsemen and heavy infantry, it would be easy to dominate the field of battle against more lightly armoured troops. Knowing the terrain and having knowledge of the fact that horsemen will always reach their intended target more quickly than footmen makes it easier to determine how to fight an enemy by eliminating the biggest threat in battle.

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