Mission Title: Idylliac, the capital of Elysium, Persephone's final stronghold Objective: Defeat Yogo Mission Attributes: None New Units: None New Spells: Intestinal vaporization, death Charnel sends you to Idylliac to finish off Persephone once and for all. The mission begins with orders to defeat Yogo, but you soon learn that another wizard also takes ground here in Idylliac - you also learn that James' Charlotte holds ground here. As soon as you discover her presence, you receive a new mission objective.
Construct a shrine on the mana fountain so that you can convert the souls on this island - there are a couple of peasants here for the taking. Eliminate them with low-level offensive spells, then cast the convert spell on their red souls. Return back to the main island and prepare for an attack from Charlotte or Yogo. Charnel provides a very powerful spell for this mission: death. However, its power is matched by its unpredictability. Death creates a large grim reaper next to an enemy unit; the imposing force then cuts through all nearby units. If it finishes off the entire enemy group, it seeks out the next nearest unit - which will likely be you! Death isn't indiscriminate. It will kill your force as easily as the enemy's. Be very careful and keep your force far away. Death will dissipate after a few moments. Should any of your units perish, retrieve their souls and re-create them. Continue to hold ground at your first manalith. Eventually, a cutscene interrupts battle, which depicts Charlotte fried by an unknown force. Apparently, Marduk killed James, which in turn banishes Charlotte. You're left to finish off Yogo. You should be able to summon a few mobile, offensive units at this point. Proceed out of your start position and construct a manalith at the next available fountain. Hold ground here for the next attack; use spells on Yogo's group (be careful with death) as he approaches. Convert his souls and summon more units. Stick either along the left- or right-hand paths toward Yogo's altar. It's here that you will encounter additional enemy manaliths. Destroy them and replace them with your own or perhaps a shrine to quicken enemy soul conversion. If you encounter a manalith with guardians, consider using death to pummel the defenses - just keep your units far away! Finish off the defenses with the guardians (and death gone), then replace the manalith. The manaliths (one to the left and one to the right) adjacent to Yogo's altar feature powerful dragons. Before tackling these, you should wait for the death spell to recharge. Death can make short work of the dragons, but, as mentioned many times before, keep your units well back or suffer the consequences of a rampaging death spell. Once death is gone and the guardians are dead, move in your force and construct a manalith over the exposed fountain. Yogo's "ultimate altar" lies just beyond. Desecrate his altar and defend the position with your attack force. Concentrate all fire on Yogo as soon as he appears. Cast the desecrate spell again if he destroys a sac-doctor to cancel the spell. Repeat until Yogo has been defeated, ending the mission in victory.