Mission Title: Thryhring, the capital of Empyrea, homeland of Stratos Objective 1:Defeat Jadugarr Objective 2: Defeat Hachiman Mission Attributes: None New Units: Hellmouth New Spells: None You have one task before the final mission - proceed to Thryhring, the homeland of Stratos. The opening cutscene depicts a brief conversation with Jadugarr. As soon as you gain control, you're under attack from Jadugarr and his forces. The best way to tackle the incoming attack is to cast the death spell on the enemy units and order your free units to attack Jadugarr. Death will tear through the enemy units with its bladed arms; meanwhile, your other units will occupy and hopefully banish Jadugarr temporarily. With him out of the way, start converting the red souls.
Remain at your altar and defend off attack after attack from Jadugarr and Hachiman. There's no reason to be overly aggressive. You have a nice defensible position here, and, with your large force, you can hold off his aggressive attacks. Implement your spells as necessary to assist in the battles. Once you have summoned a full preset group's worth of attackers, push out of the start position toward the nearest enemy manaliths. Destroy them and replace them with your own. If you look around the nearby manaliths, you will spot a purple blip on your minimap. Locate this unit on your game screen to discover Sara Bella, a key element to the Stratos campaign. Approach her to speak. After the brief words, you gain control of the unit - add her to your preset group and continue on. Seek out additional manaliths and battle Jadugarr or Hachiman each time they approach. It's a good habit to fire upon the enemy wizard first and ignore the units he carries behind. Banish the wizard, and you force him to return to an altar to reform. Meanwhile, you can destroy all the enemy units and quickly convert the red souls - essentially stealing units from your enemy. You'll want to possess about 20 to 24 units before moving against Hachiman's altar (which lies closer than Jadugarr's). Hachiman's altar is defended by manaliths with phoenix guardians. Order your units back and cast the death spell to quickly clear out the guardian units. You may lose some units in the process; simply gather the blue souls and replace them. Destroy the manaliths and then desecrate Hachiman's altar (use a hellmouth for optimum power). Locate the wizard on the map and banish him for good. Make your way to Jadugarr's altar by canvassing the map for additional manaliths - make sure you place some shrines to quicken the soul-conversion process. Here, you will spot an idol for Ashur. Approach the idol and speak with the snowmen. Once they've served their purpose, kill them with a low-level spell and convert their souls. Jadugarr's altar is also protected well by guardians. You can wait until the death spell regenerates or use a myriad of other spells as your units attack. Wailing wall, an earlier Charnel spell, proves useful here, especially against the ranged units, which can't fire without mana. Destroy both manaliths, replace them, and proceed to the altar. Cast the desecrate spell with a hellmouth and seek out Jadugarr. Destroy the wizard to defeat the level and move on to the final mission, The Crucible.