Mission Title: Karn, a border fortress, protecting the residents of the Glebe Objective: Defeat the Ragman Mission Attributes: +2 to James, -2 to Pyro, -2 to Charnel, -1 to Persephone, -1 to Stratos New Units: Flummox New Spells: Erupt Your new erupt spell is a good way to disorient large numbers of units at one time. If you are about to attack a guardianed manalith, for example, cast the erupt spell ahead of your forces so that your army's enemies will start the fight flat on their backs.
Mid-Mission Objective - Banish Sorcha: With two enemy wizards to deal with, your goals are at least twice as hard to achieve. In case one or both of the enemy wizards back-door you, be sure to leave a creature or two guardianed to your manaliths, As you advance south, you will see a pulsing mushroom-shaped object on the valley floor. This is a plague wort, and you should steer clear of these disease-spreading growths. When you approach your first one, Zyzyx will inform you of its danger. Mid-Mission Objective (optional) - Destroy the plague worts: The Ragman has no altar, so once he dies, he is gone from this world forever. When he attacks you, focus your attention fully on him. The souls of his creatures will then be yours easily. Sorcha's altar is on the far end of the map. If you have trouble assailing it, search the sides of the map for additional Charnel manaliths and take them for yourself. This will weaken her and strengthen you. Destroy all plague worts (there are four, including one tucked away in a valley on the edge of the map), and Zyzyx will inform you when you have finished this task. James will offer you a boon if you complete this optional mission.