Mission Title: Cindercrag, home of Pyro's research and development mission Objective: Destroy the pyrodraulic dynamo Mission Attributes: +2 or -2 James, -2 or +2 Pyro, -1 to Charnel, -1 to Persephone, -1 to Stratos New Units: Icarus New Spells: Halo of earth The halo of earth spell is only useful if you are in close proximity to enemy units. Casting it causes five small rocks to swirl about your head, each of which will target any enemy within range. You can cast it outside of a battle; and, with rocks aswirl around you, you can approach the enemies, whereupon each rock will track and hit a target. Be careful that none of your friendly units stand between you and the nearest target, because the rocks will mindlessly crash against the first solid object they encounter.
Amass an army and, leaving a few guards behind, search the map for unguarded or lightly guarded manaliths. Take them and leave a creature as a guardian for each. When the only manalith that Buta has left is the one by his altar, attack it. Desecrate Buta's altar once his final manalith has fallen. When Buta is banished, Pyro will offer you a spot by his side. If you accept, James will attack you, and the attributes bonuses you received for this level will reverse. If you do not accept, Pyro will threaten you with the dynamo. You must defeat the dynamo's guards and destroy it to end the level. Do not dally, or else Pyro's threat will become real: you have only five minutes. Thus, before you banish Buta, build up your army and position it near the dynamo so that you can attack quickly.