Sacrifice Game Guide
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Crucible Mission
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Crucible Mission
Guide Contents
James Mission 6

Mission Title: Helios, the capital of Pyroborea and primary weapon testing grounds for Pyro

Objective 1:Defeat Buta
Objective 2: Defeat Sorcha

Mission Attributes: +2 to James, -1 to Charnel, -1 to Persephone, -1 to Pyro, -1 to Stratos
New Units: Boulderdash
New Spells: Wall of spikes

Whenever you aren't quite ready to face the enemy, or if the enemy is approaching en masse, a wall of spikes will damage and slow them down. Be aware that the wall will extend in either direction from the point at which you cast it - it will be parallel to your field of view. You can target the ground or a particular creature or structure with this powerful spell.

The magnafryers do not target structures (like your manaliths).
There are four mana sources near your altar, and you should claim them before making an attempt on Sorcha's altar. A fifth mana source has an enemy manalith built on it, but it is within range of the three magnafryers. Send in a few tough units to destroy it while you hang back and heal them. Pull your forces out as soon as the manalith falls. Use your fourth spell (whichever spell makes you invulnerable for a while) and rush in to build your own manalith. Get out of magnafryer range when you are done and prepare to assault them.

Magnafryers cannot hit targets at their base, but each is in position to support the other. The fryer farthest from your altar cannot support the one nearest your altar, however, so begin by attacking the fryer nearest your altar or by attacking both it and its nearest neighbor.

If you build several tough melee units, cast the speed spell on them as you send them in; then heal them as best you can. Remember that the fryers will target you if you are within range and your other units are at their bases. Ambassador Buta may intervene at this difficult moment; use your invulnerability spell and speed to collect your souls if your attackers do not succeed at first.

Once the fryers are all down, claim all mana sources on the map and save the two next to Buta's altar. Let Buta attack until you possess all of his spare souls. Observe that near one of his last two manaliths, a small boulder provides shelter from which you can safely cast weakening spells against that manalith's guardians. Once that mana source is yours, Buta's final manalith will fall easily to your rush. Desecrate Buta's altar to end the mission.

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