Mission Title: Magmar Objective: Defeat Ambassador Buta Mission Attributes: +2 to Persephone, -2 to Pyro, -1 to Charnel, -1 to James, -1 to Stratos New Units: Troll New Spells: Grasping vines Grasping vines is a great way to ensure that, even after a square battle, at least one enemy will remain behind for your converting. When an enemy wizard flees a battle, ensnare one retreating enemy in your vines. Wizards who have shielded themselves with an armoring spell will be immune to grasping vines, but few creatures ever have the same immunity.
The first manalith is guarded by a pair of firefists, melee units that have no way of attacking flying units. A few summoned air units will take care of them without suffering any casualties. Build a manalith on this fountain and arrange your forces just out of range of the next manalith to the north, which is owned by Buta. Ambassador Buta will begin to attack you once your units are within sight of his, whether or not you attack his creatures (although attacking will bring him to you much sooner). Before you engage him, take a solo run up the hill northeast; a pair of blue souls hovers at its summit. Buta is a relentless opponent; each time you defeat him, he will regroup and attack again as fast as he as can. As soon as possible, destroy his closest manalith and build your own on the fountain. Guardian several creatures to the manalith and use this spot as your new defensive position. Your guardianed creatures will help you make short work of Buta's offensives, and you should collect as many souls as you can from his fallen soldiers. Once you outnumber him, build a manalith on the fountain to your west (assuming Buta destroyed it earlier); then attack as you're going up the hill. Desecrating Buta's altar ends the level.