Mission Title: Crossroads of Abaddon Objective: Kill the three hellmouths Mission Attributes: None New Units: Ent New Spells: Vinewall The vinewall spell can be cast on an enemy creature, enemy structure, or on the land itself. From the targeted point, a wall of vines, which is parallel to your field of view, will sprout from the ground. Enemies that are caught in or that enter the vines will be individually ensnared in a small bunch of vines - essentially, you are casting grasping vines, the lower-level spell, on a long and thin region.
From your altar, you can peek down into the valley and see a mana fountain. As you face the fountain, you'll see a small village, which is to your left and up the circular valley - it is occupied by four zombies. Build a manalith on the fountain below after you guardian your creatures to your altar. Then run to the village, slay the zombies with your low-level offensive spell, and build a manalith there. Do all this as quickly as possible and teleport back to your altar to defend it against Sorcha's attack. It may take you several battles before you are able to snatch a few of Sorcha's souls during her incessant attacks. Once you have numerical superiority, you can start spreading out on the map. Take on the lone hellmouth first by using ranged units to strike him from out of the air. While your ranged units shoot, use an ent, if possible, to protect them with his special ability. Heal your ranged units as they fight. Once the hellmouth is dead, gather its souls and the souls of dead villagers around the area. If you banish Sorcha, you will remove her as a threat, but finishing this level does not require banishing her. Take down the other two hellmouths on the other side of the map to end the mission. If you are low on available souls for this task, bear in mind that hellmouths fire slowly, and generally at their nearest target. Offer yourself as a target when you are shielded or build a manalith on the fountain near them and use the manalith's bulk to protect you.