Mission Title: Dys, the capital of Stygia, a place of death Objective 1:Defeat Seerix Objective 2: Defeat Acheron Mission Attributes: +2 to Persephone, -1 to Charnel, -1 to James, -1 to Pyro, -1 to Stratos New Units: Mutant New Spells: Healing aura Even better than your rainbow spell is healing aura, which causes a particular friendly creature to radiate a healing spell to friendly creatures around it. Before you send in the troops, cast this spell on your toughest creature (and have your other creatures guard it) or on a creature that isn't likely to be attacked immediately (like a creature that tags along behind the others and that is set to guard them).
Quickly explore the area for unclaimed mana fountains. A fountain northwest (as you stand in front of your altar that faces the unexplored map) is yours for the taking. Seerix and Acheron both will assault your position, even if you do not act aggressively. Fortunately, you have Toldor, the ent, on your side. His special ability (to protect all those near him) and his brute strength and stamina will be the key to winning these first battles. Let Seerix and Acheron come to you and use Toldor to kill each wizard as soon as the battle turns in your favor. Killing the wizards will let you freely convert enemy souls. Once you have captured the majority of the map's available souls, explore your surroundings. Destroy enemy manaliths, build your own, and seek out the zombie village at the far end of the map from your altar (you can collect quite a few souls there). When Seerix and Acheron have no available souls, desecrate Seerix's altar. Charnel will ask you to join him, and if you do, you get a boon - and the level ends. If not, you must destroy Seerix and then get ready to attack Acheron's altar. A manalith beside his altar is protected by quite a few abominations and styx. Create as large an army as you can before you attack. The key to destroying the guarded manalith is Toldor. His ability to protect nearby creatures and his good health will win the day for you. Ask the rest of your army to guard him and send him in to attack not the guardians, but the manalith itself. Use his special ability and cast your new spell (healing aura) on him. Focus all your mana energy on keeping Toldor alive; as he attacks the manalith, the guardians will die.