Mission Title: Arborea, the gateway to Idylliac and ancient home to the ents Objective 1:Defeat Abraxus Objective 2: Defeat Shakti Mission Attributes: None New Units: Warmonger New Spells: Rain of fire You're ordered to Arborea to deal with Abraxus and Shakti - dealing with them is an understatement, because you're under aggressive attack almost immediately! You receive an impressive new unit for the mission, a warmonger, which fires a machine gun at medium range. In groups, the warmonger can dish out heavy damage; monitor its health and continually cast the heal spell to keep it active. Your new spell is the rain of fire, which drops fire and meteorlike rocks on your target; the spell lasts for several moments and can inflict large amounts of damage.
The manalith guardians should hold off the initial attack. Focus your attack on the enemy wizard - then eliminate the units, and you will be able to convert the red souls more easily (there won't be an enemy wizard roaming quickly around and scooping them back up). Use the souls to bolster your guardians a bit more. Guardians are quite powerful, both offensively and defensively. Keep them assigned to a specific attack group and order them to concentrate fire on the incoming units. Don't hesitate to use your spells, especially the new rain of fire. Don't mount an offense - keep defending at the manalith, keeping guardians fresh and using extra converted souls for more summoned units (which you can choose to guardian, if you wish). At some point during the mission, Abraxus will abruptly exit the mission area - which is a good thing, because now you must deal with only Shakti! During this brief pause, take the time to explore out of your start position to locate additional manaliths and even some peasants who are loyal to Persephone. You can kill them for additional souls. You should return to your guardians, though, as soon as an enemy appears on the minimap. You don't need to advance against Shakti either. Just keep defending your position at the guardians and the manalith. Heal and replace your guardians as necessary and convert as many red souls as you can. Eventually, a cutscene interrupts the mission - an unknown force destroys Shakti. This mission concludes in a strange fashion and sets up Pyro's next battle. Effective defense is the mission's key. Don't venture out too aggressively; stick near your manalith and use guardians to ward off attacking forces.