Mission Title: Thryhring, the capital of Empyrea, homeland of Stratos Objective 1:Defeat Abraxus Objective 2: Defeat Acheron Objective 3: Defeat Sorcha Mission Attributes: None New Units: Phoenix New Spells: None Pyro sends you to Thryhring, the homeland of Stratos, along with Sorcha (or so you think) to combat the final remaining wizards and gods. During the opening cutscene, Sorcha betrays Pyro, allies with Abraxus and Acheron, and becomes a staggering third wizard to battle during the mission. The key to the mission is effective defense at the outset. The enemy outnumbers you by a lot, and it will continue to mount attacks early in the mission.
Don't advance toward the enemy altars. Defend with your guardians and start producing additional warmongers and phoenixes to use in mobile attack groups. You will be able to accumulate a lot of souls by simply holding back and defending your altar. Convert these souls to amass 20 to 24 units (made up mostly of warmongers and phoenixes) before you head out in search of enemy altars. At some point during the mission (likely when it's looking the most bleak), Acheron suddenly vanishes - you assume destroyed by Marduk. you have to deal with only Sorcha, the traitor, as well as Abraxus. Start moving away from your altar when you have a sufficient attack force. Begin by combing the map for enemy manaliths. Destroy each and replace them with your own manalith. Use excess souls to summon additional manahoars. Sorcha's altar lies closer; choose it first in your assault. Phoenixes, guardians at the manaliths, protect Sorcha's altar. Cast Pyro's volcano spell to destroy them or use blind rage (which forces friendly units to attack one another) and attack with your own units during the confusion. Destroy both manaliths and replace them with your own. Cast the desecrate spell on a phoenix at Sorcha's altar. Find her on the map (unless she retreats to Abraxus' protection) and banish her for good. All that remains between you and the final mission is Abraxus' altar. Move beyond Sorcha's altar and follow the mountains and valleys toward Abraxus' well-fortified home. Locate the idol to Ashur along the way. Several snowmen have some comments to make. Kill them afterward and convert their souls for your use. You may want to erect a shrine at a mana fountain so that you can convert enemy souls more quickly. Before you attack Abraxus' altar, wait until the volcano spell has recharged. Cast the spell to destroy any remaining units and guardians. Also cast the blind rage spell and attack with your own units during the confusion. Approach Abraxus' altar and cast the desecrate spell on a phoenix. Locate Abraxus during the process and banish the final wizard on the map. The mission concludes in victory once all objectives have been completed.