The Protoss Conclave - Units and Stuctures
Citadel of Adun
This symbolic structure is a tribute to the greatest hero in Protoss history. It is often wise to construct the Citadel immediately after your Cybernetics Core is established so you can immediately begin developing Leg Enhancements for your Zealots. The subsequent burst of speed makes your Zealots much more maneuverable and thus far more deadly. If your military is largely composed of Zealots, and it should be in most circumstances, this upgrade is a must.
Hit/Shield Points | 450/450 | Time to Build | 60 | Cost | 200m 100g
| Requires | Cybernetics Core | Special Options | Develop Leg Enhancements 150m 150g Time 133 |
A Citadel of Adun is required before you can construct the Templar Archives, what's most certainly an indispensable Protoss facility.
Templar Archives
The Templar Archives contain the secrets of the Protoss warrior culture deep within their hallowed confines. The primary function of this structure is to accommodate the training of High Templars at your Gateways. Under capable command, these powerful sorcerers will prove instrumental in the ignoble defeat of all that oppose the Protoss manifest destiny. And if you wish to use them in battle more directly, High Templars may be merged to form the all-powerful Protoss Archon.
Hit/Shield Points | 500/500 | Time to Build | 60 | Cost | 100m 200g | Requires | Citadel of Adun | Special Options | Develop Psionic Storm 200m 200g Time 120
Develop Hallucination 150m 150g Time 80
Develop Khaydarin Amulet 150m 150g Time 166 |
Make certain you have plenty of Vespene Gas in reserve and more rolling in constantly from two or more Assimilators before proceeding to construct the Templar Archives. The building is rather expensive in itself, and the vital technologies housed within as well as the High Templars themselves all require a great deal of Vespene Gas. Once resources allow, though, warp in the Archives and immediately begin researching Psionic Storm and training two or more High Templars at your Gateways. You'll attain Psionic Storm just after your High Templars are ready. If you employ High Templars frequently, you'd do well to research the Khaydarin Amulet to increase their energy capacity and the incredible Hallucination ability for its myriad functions.
The Templar Archives are also important in that they let you research second- and third-level weapons and armor upgrades at the Forge. In particular, the weapons upgrades will prove invaluable for your Archons.
Next: Stargate