The Terran Dominion - Units and Structures

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Sturdy enough to take a few hits; strategically important
Slow moving; limited carrying capacity
The unarmed Terran Dropship is designed specifically to transport Terran ground forces to and from battle. This flying craft is sufficiently well armored such that it may sustain some enemy fire, but its sturdiness comes at the cost of its sluggish speed.

Hit Points/Size
Time to Build
Cost (minerals/Vespene Gas/supply)
Ship Plating 1, +1 per upgrade
Special Options
Load/Unload units

The Dropship's limited carrying capacity consists of eight slots. SCVs and Terran infantry all use one, Vultures and Goliaths use two, and Arclite Siege Tanks use four. Pairs of Siege Tanks, quartets of Goliaths, or single Siege Tanks assisted by two Goliaths or four Marines all make for deadly combinations of payload. Of course, a traditional Marine drop may also yield great benefits. Eight Marines passing safely into enemy territory by means of a Dropship can quickly decimate a supply line, grinding resource flow to a halt. Unfortunately, unloading its cargo is not an instantaneous process, so make sure the Dropship's designation is free of enemy presence when you deploy its contents.


Dropships are vital for deploying SCVs to remote regions to construct expansion bases at fresh resource patches. Try sending pairs of SCVs with groups of military escort to protect the fledgling base while it is being built.

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