The Terran Dominion - Units and Structures

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Command Center

The Command Center is the core behind all Terran military operations. This heavily armored structure produces SCVs that in turn produce all other Terran structures, and the Command Center is also the place where SCVs deliver all harvested resources. Like many Terran facilities, the Command Center can lift off and fly.

Hit Points
Time to Build
400m 0g
Special Options  Supplies provided: 10
  Build Comsat Station Requires Academy
  Build Nuclear Silo Requires Science Vessel with attached Covert Ops


In most cases, a sole Command Center cannot support your war effort; you must construct more when you discover fresh patches of minerals or Vespene Gas geysers. One option is to construct the additional Command Center within the confines of your primary base, then fly it to the designated expansion area when the coast is clear. The Command Center can support one of two upgrades, between the Comsat Station and the Nuclear Silo.

Comsat Station (Command Center add-on)

Hit Points
Time to Build
50m 50g
Special Options
Scanner Sweep, 75 energy

This important and inexpensive Terran add-on provides immediate intelligence on unexplored regions of the battlefield by means of the Scanner Sweep. The Scanner Sweep reveals a sizeable chunk of terrain for several seconds. Remember to use this function frequently early in a battle to systematically reveal key points in the area and check up on your opponent's progress.


Scanner Sweep is also useful in that it reveals cloaked enemies. Should you fall under attack by an invisible opponent or otherwise suspect cloaked foes lurking nearby, use a Scanner Sweep to reveal their position. Always denote your Comsat station to an easily accessible hot key, such as Ctrl-0. That way, you can instantly trigger a Scanner Sweep. When you're dealing with cloaked enemies, that may be all the time you have.

Next: Nuclear Silo (Command Center add-on) and Supply Depot