The Terran Dominion - Units and Structures

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Terran structures are austere but serviceable and by all means effective. Constructed from reinforced metal, they can take a real beating before going down. And just as a Terran SCV unit may construct a Terran building single-handedly, it can repair that building quickly and efficiently should it take damage. Terrans can quickly restore a base from a state of near-destruction back to perfect working condition, whereas the Protoss and Zerg can do nothing but wait for their structures to slowly regenerate themselves.

The one side effect to Terran design is that their buildings are susceptible to gas leaks. Once a building is damaged to under 25 percent integrity (the red zone), the building will slowly take damage from fire until it is either repaired out of the red zone or destroyed.

The most striking feature of Terran architecture is that many of the more important structures may lift off and fly about, though slowly. Airborne buildings are not functional until they land, but the strategic significance of flight is immense. Lifting your buildings may well save them from opponents limited to a ground attack, like Protoss Zealots or Zerg Zerglings. Another advantage of mobile structures is that Terrans can create additional structures within the safety of their primary base, then fly them off to a new location once the coast is clear. Many Terran structures also support add-on facilities that are immobile and only functional when attached to the primary structure. If you leave an add-on behind, an enemy Terran opponent may well land his structure beside it and take advantage of it. Such a situation is rare, but theoretically possible.

Next: Basic Terran Structures