The Terran Dominion - Units and Structures
Engineering Bay
An Engineering Bay is required before you can build Missile Turret defenses. The primary function of this structure is to upgrade the weapons and armor of your infantry units. Since infantry tend to be deployed in great numbers, the extra points of damage afforded by each weapons upgrade tend to have a significant effect in battle. Do not rush to build this structure - upgrades take a very long time and cost more than you can spare at the beginning of a match. Once you have some revenue to spend, go ahead and set this building up.
Hit Points | 850 | Time to Build | 60 | Cost | 125m 0g | Requires | Barracks | Special Options | Upgrade Infantry Weapons
level 1 100m 100g Time 266
level 2 175m 175g Time 298 Requires Science Facility
level 3 250m 250g Time 330
Upgrade Infantry Armor
level 1 100m 100g Time 266
level 2 175m 175g Time 298 Requires Science Facility
level 3 250m 250g Time 330 |
Missile Turret
This inexpensive structure fires powerful missiles at a furious rate upon any airborne enemies that come within its firing range. Of further import, a Missile Turret detects any cloaked units in the area, making it the perfect counter against enemy Terran Wraiths and pesky Protoss Observers. Its only drawback is that a Missile Turret is useless against ground forces. Position Bunkers nearby to protect it.
Hit Points | 200 | Time to Build | 30 | Cost | 100m 0g | Requires | Engineering Bay | Special Options | Longbolt Missile, 20 damage
Detector |
This outstanding defensive structure is specifically designed to provide a protective shell for Terran infantry. Up to four infantry units in any combination may be stationed within a Bunker, and they will automatically fire on any enemy forces that move within their firing range. A Bunker provides 350 hit points' worth of defense on top of your infantry, and even if it's destroyed, the units inside emerge unscathed.
Hit Points | 350 | Time to Build | 30 | Cost | 100m 0g | Requires | Barracks |
Four Marines tends to be the best way to fill a Bunker, but Firebats in Bunkers are deadly against Zerg Zerglings and Protoss Zealots. Position Bunkers near your supply lines and at choke points leading to your base, and do not hesitate to send SCVs into battle to construct Bunkers in hostile zones. SCVs may be stationed in Bunkers for protection. Remember that Bunkers repair quickly, and Marines and Firebats cannot use Stim Packs from within their confines.
Next: Advanced Terran Structures