The Terran Dominion - Units and Structures

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Inexpensive; versatile; very dangerous under capable command
Easily killed if detected; ineffective without upgrades; only available late in a battle

These elite Terran infantry represent the best that humanity has to offer in terms of stealth, resilience, and versatility. Do not be fooled by the Ghost's low hit points and inexpensive cost - they are the most sophisticated units available to the Terrans and cannot be trained until most buildings and add-ons available have been constructed. To further complicate the situation, Ghosts aren't particularly useful until you upgrade them with several technologies available at the Covert Ops add-on for the Terran Science Facility. These include Personal Cloaking, which makes the Ghost invisible to everything but enemy detector units. You can also research Ocular Implants, which increase a Ghost's sight radius, making them ideal scouts and spotters for your Siege Tanks.

Hit Points/Size
Time to Build
Cost (minerals/Vespene Gas/supply)
C-10 Canister Rifle/10, +1 per upgrade
Infantry Armor/0, +1 per upgrade
Special Options
Lockdown, 100 energy Personal Cloaking, 25 energy Nuclear Strike

Researching the Lockdown ability, which is crucial against Protoss or Terran opponents, lets a Ghost freeze a mechanical unit for an extended period of time, leaving it completely vulnerable. Although Lockdown is useless against the organic Zerg, it can immobilize any Terran or Protoss flying units and many of their ground units as well. Keep a Ghost or two on your frontlines when dealing with enemy Terran or Protoss and use him to Lockdown the most dangerous mechanical units the enemy sends your way. The power of this ability cannot be understated.

Personal Cloaking
Personal Cloaking requires 25 energy to initialize, after which it requires a small quantity of energy to remain active. Cloaking with full energy reserves lets a Ghost remain invisible for several minutes. You can also research the Moebius Reactor, which boosts each Ghost's energy reserves by 50 up to a maximum of 250 points. A fully charged Ghost can then use Lockdown twice while cloaked.


Nuclear Strike
The Ghost is also trained to spot for Terran Nuclear Strikes. After arming a Terran Nuclear Silo, the Ghost can use his Nuclear Strike ability to call forth the ultimate in Terran destructive technology. When ordered to call for a Nuclear Strike, the Ghost will crouch and designate the target with a tiny red beam. He will remain immobile for several seconds as the coordinates for the strike are sent to Terran HQ. Meanwhile, the enemy will be informed that you are attempting a Nuclear Strike against him. However, if you make sure an enable your Ghost's Personal Cloaking, your opponent will have a hard time averting the disaster. In due time, the Terran warhead will strike the area specified by the Ghost to deliver tremendous damage at the epicenter and plenty more destruction within a huge blast radius. Absolutely nothing will survive two simultaneous Nuclear Strikes. Nuclear Strikes affect terrestrial and flying units as well as buildings with equal potency. Make sure the Ghost spots from maximum distance - Ocular Implants are crucial - lest he sacrifice himself in the blast. Also, if the Nuclear Strike is canceled either intentionally or through the death of the Ghost, your warhead will be lost, and you must construct a new one. Multiple Ghosts can call down Nuclear Strikes simultaneously so long as you have multiple armed Nuclear Silos.

Finally, Ghosts are no pushovers in combat. Their standard-issue C-10 Canister Rifles have good reach, fire quickly, and inflict respectable damage against certain types of ground and air units alike. However, Canister Rifles are designed primarily for use against personnel, and as such, only deal fractional damage vs. heavily armored units. Ghosts can be stationed in Bunkers for protection, though they are best suited to the various covert roles described previously. Also, unlike Marines and Firebats, Ghosts cannot use Stim Packs to boost their combat performance.

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