The Terran Dominion - Units and Structures

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Versatile; deadly against flying units
Easily destroyed; only effective in large quantities
The Terran Goliath is a towering mobile suit equipped with a host of powerful weapons and a solid coat of armor. It is a fairly fast-moving, all-purpose unit capable of defending itself against anything the opponent might throw its way, and it can complete any sort of military operation successfully when deployed in great numbers. However, the Goliath does not excel in any one area, thus making it less cost-effective than a well-balanced army of specialized forces.

Hit Points/Size
Time to Build
Cost (minerals/Vespene Gas/supply)
Twin Autocannons 10, +1 per upgrade
Hellfire Missile Pack
20, +2 per upgrade (explosive)
Vehicle Plating 1, +1 per upgrade

Its front-mounted Twin Autocannons are somewhat more powerful than Marine standard-issue Gauss Rifles, but Goliaths cost much more than Marines. Since two Marines deal considerably more damage per unit time than a single Goliath yet cost less, the Goliath's primary function should be that of a support weapon rather than a front-line offensive unit. Try using Goliaths to distract your enemy from your Marines, who can quickly destroy any target that is left unattended.


Goliaths work best as mobile antiaircraft platforms. Their Hellfire Missile Packs fire quickly and deal great damage to most flying units, though lightly armored fliers like Zerg Mutalisks and Scourge take half damage from the attack. Several Goliaths may easily overwhelm even the mighty Protoss Carrier or Terran Battlecruiser. Goliaths work well alongside the mighty Terran Arclite Siege Tanks, which are vulnerable to flying forces. Always try and keep a few Goliaths around your base, if only to lure enemy aircraft into range of your immobile Missile Turrets.

Ultimately, unless you expect to take on flying assailants in great swarms, you will do better to spend your resources on units better equipped to deal with ground forces. Though Goliaths are helpful in any situation, when resources are scarce, you will fare better spending them on a combination of Marines and Siege Tanks to do most of your fighting.

Next: Siege Tank