The Protoss Conclave - Units and Stuctures
High Templar
| Strengths: Versatile; deadly under capable command
Weaknesses: Easily killed; slow; expensive |
These enigmatic Protoss aristocrats have set aside their Psi Blades to concentrate on honing their psychic fury. Though High Templars are slower, far more vulnerable, and much more expensive to train than their more bloodthirsty kinsmen, their power is not to be underestimated. The High Templars will not win your war single-handedly, but with their assistance, you can swiftly tilt the balance in your favor.
Hit/Shield Points/Size | 40/40/small | Time to Build | 50 | Cost (minerals/Vespene Gas/PSI) | 50/150/2 | Armor/Strength | Protoss Armor 1, +1 per upgrade
Plasma Shields 0, +1 per upgrade | Special Options | Archon Warp (select two High Templars)
Psionic Storm, 75 energy
Hallucination, 125 energy |
Psionic Storm
High Templars are defenseless until you can research their Psionic Storm ability, where they channel their vicious mental energies to create vast, palpable electric fields that inflict intense physical trauma on all living creatures in the area of effect. The Psionic Storm can kill large groups of weaker enemies in one casting (especially useful against swarms of Zerg Hydralisks and Mutalisks) and can severely injure larger opponents as well. This attack does not discriminate between flying or standing opponents and is especially effective against an enemy commander who likes to clutter his expensive aerial units together. Psionic Storm has no effect on structures of any kind. This lends it a useful defensive edge; if your base is under attack, do not hesitate to cast Psionic Storm within your perimeter. Beware, though, as the spell cannot differentiate friend from foe and may even eliminate the High Templar himself if he approaches too close. Only one Psionic Storm may exist at any given point; using multiple High Templars to invoke the ability to one area is wasteful.
A High Templar's ability to confuse the enemy by means of the Hallucination spell is strategically crucial. When cast, Hallucination produces twin replicas of the target unit. Hallucinations will appear in blue to your forces, but to the enemy they are indistinguishable from your other troops. These replicas may move or attack exactly like the real thing, though their attacks inflict no damage. Further, Hallucinations sustain injury at twice the normal rate and do not enjoy their real counterpart's special abilities. For instance, a hallucinated High Templar cannot cast spells. Send Hallucinations into battle as a screen for enemy fire, using your real forces to slay the opposition while the confused ones frantically fire at the simulacra. Hallucinations are also a very effective means of enticing powerful enemies like the Terran Science Vessel to waste their energy on the false targets. Also use expendable hallucinated aircraft to fly headlong into an enemy base to gather reconnaissance.
Archon Warp
The High Templar wields the power of Archon Warp, where he and another High Templar sacrifice themselves to produce the almighty Archon. Try sending pairs of Templars into combat, expending their psychic energy on Hallucination and Psionic Storm, then merging them into an Archon to support your other fighting forces.
In addition to Psionic Storm and Hallucination, you can also research the Khaydarin Amulet at the Templar Archives. This adds 50 energy to each High Templar's base of 200, letting him cast Hallucination twice without resting.
Next: Archon