The Protoss Conclave - Units and Stuctures
|  Strengths: Inexpensive; can warp in buildings
Weaknesses: Easily killed; are virtually defenseless |
Probes are highly efficient automated worker units that maintain the Protoss war economy and establish new Protoss bases. Rather than construct buildings themselves, Probes merely relay coordinates from the point where the building is to be placed to the Protoss homeworld of Aiur. A warp rift is generated, and soon thereafter, the building will materialize. Because Protoss Probes need not oversee the warping process, a single Probe may warp in an entire Protoss military installation single-handedly. There's a slight catch, though. Most Protoss buildings must be warped within the Psionic Field generated by a Pylon. And of course, the warping process isn't free - in fact, advanced Protoss structures are very expensive to produce.
Hit/Shield Points/Size | 20/20/small | Time to Build | 20 | Cost (minerals/Vespene Gas/PSI) | 50/0/1 | Weapon/Strength | Particle Beam 5, +0 per upgrade | Armor/Strength | Protoss Armor 0, +1 per upgrade
Plasma Shields 0, +1 per upgrade
Aside from warping in new structures, Probes are responsible for harvesting precious minerals and Vespene Gas to sustain the Protoss war effort. Try and allocate two Probes per mineral patch to maximize your earnings. If your Nexus is close to a Vespene Gas geyser, you likely won't need more than four Probes gathering gas since only one Probe may reside within an Assimilator at any one time.
Probes, like all Protoss units and structures, are equipped with shields that slowly recharge if they take damage. Probes very delicate, however. They are easily destroyed and practically defenseless, yet entirely integral to your survival. So make certain and keep them very well defended with Photon Cannons and more.
Next: Zealot