The Terran Dominion - Units and Structures

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Science Vessel

Detects invisible enemies; very dangerous under capable command
A target of opportunity; expensive; slow
Behind every great Terran commander is a Science Vessel. This slow-moving egg-shaped spacecraft is expensive, but well worth its cost, considering all the many powerful features it makes available. It cannot fight back directly and is very vulnerable, so you would do well to protect it with whatever means you have available. The Science Vessel's staggering cost in Vespene Gas means it is hardly an expendable unit. The Science Vessel contains sensors that reveal hidden units like Terran Wraiths, Protoss Observers, and burrowed Zerg. For this reason, sending Science Vessels into combat against an opponent prone to using cloaked units is always a good idea, provided you can afford to. Otherwise, keeping a Science Vessel around your base lets it detect any cloaked assailants who find their way past your cloak-detecting Missile Turrets, while keeping the Vessel a healthy distance away from the dangers of direct combat.

Hit Points/Size
Time to Build
Cost (minerals/Vespene Gas/supply)
Ship Plating 1, +1 per upgrade
Special Options  Defensive Matrix, 100 energy
  EMP Shockwave, 100 energy
  Irradiate, 75 energy

Science Vessels may be upgraded with a Titan Reactor, which increases energy reserves by 50 points. This is especially useful against Zerg since it lets a Science Vessel use Irradiate twice and Defensive Matrix once before recharging. Science Vessels are an altogether useful investment under any circumstances and boast enough options to make them exceptionally effective support weapons in both offensive and defensive roles. Know that your enemy will likely recognize the threat of your Science Vessel right away and do his best to eliminate it.


Defensive Matrix
Science Vessels all come preequipped with the Defensive Matrix ability that costs 100 points of energy per use. This ability creates a dense energy barrier around any unit of your choice, from a Marine to a Battlecruiser. That barrier will absorb 250 points of damage before collapsing, essentially making the unit in question far tougher than usual. A unit's Defensive Matrix will dissipate eventually, even if the unit is not attacked, so only use this ability before engaging a unit in combat. Use Defensive Matrix on any crucial units, including strategically positioned Siege Tanks, Battlecruisers, Ghosts spotting for Nuclear Strikes, and even the Science Vessels themselves.

EMP Shockwave
You may research two additional offensive powers for your Science Vessels. EMP Shockwave costs 100 energy and fires a pulse rocket that detonates in a sizeable area of effect, instantly negating all energy forms in its radius. The results are most consequential against the Protoss, for it cancels all their shielding immediately. EMP Shockwave even cancels shields on Protoss buildings as well as all ground and flying units. It is an especially invaluable ability vs. the deadly Protoss Archons who have 350 shield points, but only 10 real hit points. A single EMP Shockwave may easily crush the shields of several Archons at a time, thus nearly killing the fearsome beings in one fell swoop. Since EMP Shockwave negates energy reserves to zero, all units who use energy - from packs of cloaked enemy Wraiths to Zerg Defilers - are open game if you wish to eliminate their ability to use their special powers. EMP Shockwave is also an excellent strike weapon against Protoss Shield Batteries, as not only does it cancel the Batteries' shields, it also depletes their energy reserves and makes it impossible for nearby Protoss defenders to recharge.

While EMP Shockwave lends itself perfectly for use against the Protoss, the power of Irradiate is best suited against the Zerg. At 75 energy points per use, Irradiate coats the targeted unit in a dangerously radioactive field that will heavily damage an organic target over time or any organic units adjacent to it. All Zerg units are organic, while most Terran and Protoss units are mechanical and thus immune to the effects of Irradiate. Try this ability against closely clustered groups of Zerg, in particular flying units like Mutalisks and Guardians. Since Irradiate gradually deals up to 300 points of damage, it is also an effective weapon against the powerful Zerg Ultralisks. Also, using Irradiate against a Zerg or enemy Terran supply line yields excellent results. One clever variation is to use it defensively. Try Irradiating a friendly Siege Tank in danger of being swarmed by Zerglings. The Siege Tank is immune to the spell's effects, but should Zerglings approach, they will quickly perish within the noxious cloud.

Next: Battlecruiser