The Zerg Swarm - Units and Structures

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Spawning Pool

This is an important structure, due partly to the fact that it lets you upgrade your Hatchery to a Lair, which in turn lets you build new structures and evolve new upgrades. The Spawning Pool is a stew of base genetic data required before producing the more advanced Zerg breeds." The Spawning Pool is a stew of base genetic data required before producing the more advanced Zerg breeds. It contains the specific genetic information necessary to hatch Zerglings, the feral Zerg foot soldiers who must protect the Zerg base early on, as well as scout its immediate vicinity. In most every case, the Spawning Pool must be the first structure to build at your fledgling Zerg headquarters, as it lets you build a Hydralisk Den next. You can upgrade your Zerglings with enhanced ground speed through Metabolic Boost and enhanced attack speed through Adrenal Gland, both available at the Spawning Pool. With maximized claw upgrades and both Metabolic Boost and Adrenal Gland, the diminutive Zerglings become a force to be reckoned with when deployed in large groups.

Hit Points
Time to Build
150m 0g
Special Options  Metabolic Boost 100m 100g Time 100
  Adrenal Gland 150m 150g Time 100 Requires Lair

Hydralisk Den

The ominous Hydralisk Den imbues Zerg Larva with the power to morph into Hydralisks, the snakelike assault troopers at the forefront of every major Zerg assault. Hydralisks are deadly in every situation, so the Zerg commander must strive to set up a Hydralisk Den as soon as possible, so he can begin hatching these mighty creatures. Because the Hydralisk Den requires Vespene Gas, and thus an Extractor and plenty of Drones with which to harvest from it, you must gather a considerable quantity of minerals to build this important structure. Resist the urge to rush straight for a Hydralisk Den and make sure to have plenty of Zerglings defending your base beforehand. Once the Den is built, you may use it to upgrade your Hydralisks' ground speed with Muscular Augments and increase their attack range with Grooved Spines. Evolve the upgrades in that order as the resources become available.

Hit Points
Time to Build
100m 50g
Spawning Pool
Special Options  Muscular Augments 100m 100g Time 100
  Grooved Spines 150m 150g Time 100

Next: Evolution Chamber