The Zerg Swarm - Units and Structures
Ultralisk Cavern
The Ultralisk Cavern serves no other function than to enable the Ultralisk genetic strain, letting your Larva metamorph into the single most powerful ground attacker the Zerg have to offer. You may only produce an Ultralisk Cavern after your Hatchery has been upgraded to a Hive. Ultralisks are expensive but incredibly powerful ground units that, in great numbers, are vital toward a decisive victory during longer battles. The Ultralisk Cavern is more delicate than most Zerg structures. Defend it well.
Hit Points | 600 | Time to Build | 80 | Cost | 150m 200g | Requires | Hive |
Nydus Canal
This rather inexpensive structure betrays all laws of physics, as it lets Zerg ground forces instantly translate across vast distances. Once you've mutated a Lair to a Hive, you may place a Nydus Canal anywhere on the Creep. The portal builds quickly, and once complete, you must set an exit point anywhere else on the Creep, ideally at a fledgling expansion base far across the map. Zerg ground units ordered into the Canal will immediately reappear at the other end. Link your bases with Nydus Canals so you can easily send reinforcements where they are needed.
Hit PointsHit Points | 250 | Time to Build | 40 | Cost | 150m 0g | Requires | Hive | Special Options | Place Nydus Canal Exit |
It is possible to build a Nydus Canal exit on enemy Creep, since Creep is all the same. While your attempt will likely prove futile, the possibility exists that the exit will go undetected, and you can thence mount a devastating surprise attack.
Infested Command Center
A Zerg Queen holds the power to infest a damaged Terran Command Center, thereby assimilating it into the Swarm. Once a Terran Command Center is reduced to 50 percent or below its maximum hit points, a Zerg Queen can fly in and infest it. Infestation occurs immediately; the Command Center is lost to its Terran creators, and an Infested Command Center joins the Swarm in full health. Much like the structure from which is originated, an Infested Command Center may lift off and slowly fly to the location of your choice. By its nature, the Infested Command Center needn't reside over Creep. It produces Infested Terrans, nightmarish revisions of human physiology who willingly give their lives to the Overmind even as they charge headlong toward a designated target and explode, causing monstrous damage to everything nearby.
Hit Points | 1,500 | Time to Build | N/A | Cost | N/A | Requires |
Queen, Terran Command Center | Special Options | Train Infested Terran Marine 100m 50g
Liftoff/Land |
If nothing else, the terrifying visage of an Infested Command Center is the perfect weapon in the psychological war against your enemy. Should you ever find yourself part of an alliance between Zerg and Terran forces, consider sacrificing a Command Center for the sake of adding Infested Terrans to your collective arsenal.
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