The Human Campaign: - Imperial Knights and Cybrids
Mars Resistance, Imperial Knights and Cybrids, Against the Cybrids

Mission #10: Dust to Dust
The cybrids have come to party. As soon as the command comes on screen, activate the thumpers, which wipe out any cybrid activity in the canyon route prior to your arrival. In the meantime, watch out for other cybrids who are dropping around the facility (they drop looking like meteorites hitting the ground).

Keeping an eye out for cybrids coming up from behind. Let the convoy approach the canyon where the thumpers are located and still going off. Turn the thumpers off (Shift-F1) and follow the convoy through the canyon. Once the convoy and your squad is out of the canyon, turn the thumpers on again to eliminate pursuit. As you approach Nav Bravo, you're redirected to Nav Charlie instead, off to the northwest. Do not get too close to Nav Bravo as it is absolutely crawling with cybrids, who will eventually try to follow and attack the convoy.

Near Nav Charlie, two cybrids will drop in front of you for a visit. Take them out and make sure the other cybrids haven't gotten too close. The convoy will reach the dropship at Nav Charlie without failure.

Mission #11: Guardian Angel
Not only must you protect the spaceport from attack, you must protect the five dropships as they land, refuel, and take off again (each taking 30 seconds to do so). Two cybrid artillery vehicles will immediately drop in at the far side of the spaceport right on the rim wall, so take them out quickly. Other cybrids will quickly show up around the spaceport legs, which can happen even before you destroy one of the artillery pieces. Leave the artillery to two of your squadmates and take one with you to double up against the other cybrids.

The cybrids must be destroyed quickly, before more show up. The last two are adjudicators, which can be tough and require your entire squad to safely destroy.

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