The Cybrid Campaign: Mercury & Luna
Mercury and Luna, Earth

Mission #5: Destroy//Deny
Bring along an LTADS (needed for artillery) and an ECM jammer with your brand-new shepherd. The Imperials are evacuating at a site guarded by laser turrets, which coincidentally can be rendered useless if you take out their generators. Head to nav point 001 and stop on the ridge. Target the generators and communication facilities in succession after calling in artillery barrages. A basilisk and later a minotaur comes up the ridge firing, so send your squadmates after it.

Now, run down into the base. You can fire on the escape ships, but watch out for a mean Imperial apocalypse that will require some firepower to destroy. Destroy the other command facilities, but be mindful of more Imperial reinforcements as you do so. The faster you destroy the facilities, the less chance you have of greeting an angry mob of Imperials.

Mission #6: Disarm//Neutralize
It's off to Luna for this interesting mission. Basically, you are given three different options of approaching and entering the base and destroying its anti-orbital guns that are preventing the cybrid invasion force from landing. You only have six minutes and 15 seconds to complete the mission.

Base Perimeter (Close)
You must go head-on against a paladin and a few minotaurs before you can even think about getting in the base, but once you do so, take out the four generators. But watch out for the base's gun turrets, which can be taken out somewhat safely by your squadmates. Head to nav point 002 when you're done.

Outskirts of Base (Medium)
Basically, this approach is the same as the preceding one, but you start further away from the base and may face more Imperials.

Near Listening Depot (Far)
You'll need a completely different herc setup for this one. Speed is of the essence, so don't bother fighting - you'll only need weapons to take out the generators. Use excessive speed to outrun everything and leave the Imperials in your dust.

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