Episode III: Ferarco (cont.) This room features the main stairwell for the rest of the ship, providing access to Decks 2 and 3 of the Ferarco transport. Climb the ladder up to Deck 2. Both of the doors are locked, but they won't be for very long. Examine the circular room until you find the pipes near the sign indicating you're on Deck 2. Using your tail attack, bust the valves on the pipes. If done correctly, you'll see steam pouring out of the pipes. There are four pipes total; continue to bust the pipes until the lights dim and an announcement is made. The door leading into Deck 2 opens after the announcement.
Move down the hall until you reach a door that closes in front of you. A switch beside the door activates the opening mechanism. If you were a human, you would just use the activate key; however, as an Alien, you must use your tail or claw attack to simply break the switch. Once broken, the door will open. You'll reach an intersection with available paths left and right - take the left path. Plenty of civilians and Marines patrol these halls; move with caution, especially around corners. Try and prevent the humans from getting you in their sights until you're right on top of them. Several Marines in this area also carry flame throwers. Don't stand in front of them too long; use circle strafe and your speed to move around them, knocking them down with your tail or claw attack. Through the left hall, you'll find yourself soon inside another intersection with available rooms both in front and again to the left. Turn to the left and enter the room with the bright light in the center. Kill any humans in this area (both should be unarmed, so use your jaw attack to regenerate any health). Above the table in the center of the room is a ceiling grate - this is where you want to go. Climb onto the ceiling, then utilize your tail attack to bust through. Climb into the ventilation system and follow it to another grate you must break through. Turn left and drop into an orange-lit corridor. Move ahead until you reached a locked door. Use your tail attack to break the switch, opening the door.