Dungeon Keeper Rooms
The location and size of the lair is most important for keeping your minions happy. Make sure it's big, and that you have two or three if necessary. By building numerous lairs, where the majority of fighting among your minions will occur, you can keep Natural Enemies apart. When placing lairs, it's a good indea to consider the path that invaders must take to reach your Dungeon Heart, and make sure that they have to pass thru at least one large lair. That way, any resting creatures can act as guards while they rest. You can assign a creature to a given lair by dropping him into the lair where you want him to sleep. This is especially helpful with Horned Reapers and Vampires, both of which can get a little testy when near others. Your lair should also be big, probably bigger than seems necessary. Breathing room keeps your creatures happy, and an overcrowded lair can lead to some rampant dissatisfaction. As a rule, your minions require only one tile for a sleeping area. The exceptions are Dragons (two tiles), Bile Demons (four tiles), and Giants (two tiles). Imps don't sleep, and therefore don't need any lair space. |