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Dungeon Keeper Rooms



Cost per tile: 250
Room Health: 600
Monsters it can attract: None

 The prison can be used to hold troublesome minions or captured Heroes. Imprisoned creatures will eventually die (unless they can heal themselves or you heal them), and may return as skeletons if they do. However, this is not the best use of your prisoners.

Prisons can be used as free (and extremely effective) training rooms. Here's how: Build a large prison, and always have your minions set to "imprison" during battle. Make sure you have enough Imps to transport unconscious foes back to the prison. Now, drop some creatures into the prison. They'll fight any enemies located there, gaining far more experience than they would in the training room - and it's totally free, apart from the cost of the room. This is most effective with higher-level creatures, who take much more time to advance levels and cost more to train.

Prisons can be used to effectively cripple an enemy Keeper.   To do this, Capture his minions, then keep them alive by healing them or feeding them, but DO NOT convert them.   Remember that an enemy Keeper can only attract a set number of creatures per level. If you're holding them prisoner, they're not lost. They're simply out of action.  With luck, you'll be able to just roll into his dungeon with very little resistance.

As a rule of Thumb, I try to build my prison and torture chamber next to each other to allow easy transfer of enemies from the prison to the Torture Chamber. But I also like building a large hatchery next to these rooms to allow easy transfer of chickens to prisoners and torture victims. If you plan to do this a lot, make sure you have other hatcheries that your minions can go for a snack. Feeding prisoners and torture victims can use a lot of chickens, and you don't want to run short when you need them most.  In fact, if you can, lock the door to the hatchery that you use to feed victims so that your minions are forced to go to another hatchery.



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