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Dungeon Keeper Rooms


Treasure Room:

Cost per tile: 50
Health per tile: 100
Attracts: Monster Room Size: Also Needs:
Dragon 25 tiles Lair
Demon Spawn 25 Tiles Training

This is what being a dungeon keeper is all about:- the money! Your Treasure Room will not only be the place where you keep your bankroll, it will be the first room invading Heroes will seek out.

Except for the gold that you start the level with, gold must be in your treasure room in order for you to spend it. Generally, either you or your imps have to place the gold in a treasure room in order for it to "count". If an invading hero dies and drops gold in your treasure room, you still must pick it up and drop it to add it to your total gold.

The placement of your Treasure Room is extremely important. You want it to be accessible to your creatures on payday, as close as possible to the gold you are mining so your Imps don't have to carry it very far. One helpful technique is to build a Treasure Room right by the gold you are mining, then transfer the gold to your main Treasure Room by hand. It's a little extra work, but you'll accumulate riches much faster.

Never have your Imps mine for gems while there's still gold to be had. Gems take a great deal longer to mine, so you should save them for when you need them. When mining gems, build a Treasure Room as close as you possibly can to where your Imps are working, and cast Speed Creature on the miners (or make sure they are level three or higher).

A final note on the Treasure Room: You can use your gold to make annoyed creatures a bit happier. Hit "T" to jump to the Treasure Room, grab a handful of gold, then hit "A" to jump to an annoyed minion. Drop the gold on him and he'll be temporarily satisfied.

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