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Dungeon Keeper Rooms


Dungeon Heart:

Cost per tile: N/A
Room Health: 1300
Monsters it can attract: None

You always start out with a Dungeon Heart, as it is the source of your evil power. If your Dungeon Heart is destroyed, you lose. Other then that, it doesn't serve any purpose.

Some spells revolve around the Dungeon Heart. The Hold Audience spell will summon all your minions to the Heart, which is helpful if you find it under attack with no monsters within easy reach. The Armageddon spell will not only summon your monsters, but all the creatures (with the exception of chickens) on the map to your Heart. Obviously, if you choose to cast Armageddon, you had better be pretty sure you've got the creatures to win the battle otherwise, you'll be in a world of hurt..


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