Dungeon Keeper Rooms
Scavenger Room:
The Scavenger Room is a powerful tool if you have the resources to pour into it - it's expensive and keeping monsters there will cost you dearly. But placing creatures in it will begin attracting other creatures from the portal and from your enemy. The more creatures in the room, the higher your "scavenge value." Multiple creatures of the same type will have a greater chance of attracting the same type, and a Vampire placed in the Scavenger Room will increase your scavenge rate by 50%. If you detect scavenging on one if your minions, grab the creature and place it in the temple. This will protect it from scavenging as long as he stays there. Placing one creature in the temple will not only protect that creature, but up to two others of the same type. So, if you place a Warlock in the temple, you can protect two other warlocks from scavenging while they continue to work. If the warlock in the temple leaves (to get paid, to eat, or to sleep), that Warlock will continue to be protected for a few minutes, but the other two are not. As a side note, placing a vampire in the scavenging room is a sure-fire way to keep him happy. |