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Dungeon Keeper Rooms



Cost per tile: 200
Health per tile: 900
Attracts: Monster Size Needed: Also needs:
Troll 1 tile None

The workshop is where all your doors and traps are manufactured. You want your workshop to be relatively big, with room to expand if you can't afford a lot of floor space right off the bat. Once those workers get going, traps and doors will pile up like nobody's business. As with the Library, build your workshop for efficiency. Square rooms with reinforced walls are the most effective. Take your workers out occasionally for training sessions. Bile Demons will spend a lot of time in the workshop, but should be well trained for combat. Trolls make terrible fighters, but it can't hurt to give them a little experience just in case the need should arise.

The workshop must be a certain size to build the different items. The table below gives the details.

Product Size
Alarm Trap No Requirement
Poison Gas Trap 10 tiles
Lightning Trap 13 tiles
Lava Trap 17 tiles
Word of Power Trap 21 tiles
Boulder Trap 17 tiles
Wooden Door 10 tiles
Braced Door 13 tiles
Iron Door 17 tiles
Magic Door 21 tiles

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