Mission 12 - Galactic Core
Story: The hyperdrive systems malfunction, bringing a quick halt to the jump. The fleet emerges inside a gravity well and must fend off several attacks from Taiidan carrier groups and help protect a defecting captain.
Difficulty: Hard
Overview: You must deal with both grav well generators and cloaking technology to destroy the entire Taiidan presence, which consists of three carriers, many capital ships, and dozens of strike craft.
Fleet: You're immediately thrown into the fire. You should assemble your fleet in the previous mission. You'll need 10-12 capital ships, eight to ten corvettes, and several squads of interceptors and attack bombers. You should also have several support frigates to heal your capital ships between battles.
You'll have time to reorganize yourself after the initial battle. Try to survive the first attack with few or no casualties (accomplish this by concentrating fire on the most difficult enemy ships). When it's over, organize your ships and spend additional resource units to reach the recommended fleet level. This mission's sub-missions are:
Destroy Source of Gravity Field
A Taiidan ambush fleet awaits your drop from hyperspace. Immediately after entering the mission area, you'll spot several Taiidan capital ships directly in front of your mothership. In a triangular formation around your mothership are three gravity well generators. These devices prevent strike craft from moving. Waiting behind the gravity well generators are a few assault frigates, a missile destroyer, and several support frigates healing the missile destroyer. Don't bother attempting to capture the missile destroyer; it's too difficult. Instead, take any salvage corvettes you have (four is sufficient) and move them to the left side of your mothership.
 Don't leave your mothership unprotected during this enemy-heavy mission. |
Take your capital-ship group and target the gravity well generators. The combined firepower of your fleet will destroy the generators very quickly. Move on to the missile destroyer and support frigates. Use salvage corvettes, if possible, and steal two of the remaining assault frigates. Clean up any remaining Taiidan vessels. Once the capital ships are destroyed, the Taiidan support frigates make a run for it to return to their fleet. Pursue them with interceptors, but once you spot the Taiidan carrier group, turn around and return to the mothership.
Use the short downtime to reorganize your fleet. If you managed to steal any assault frigates, assign them to your capital-ship group. Check the long-range sensor map and notice several red dots positioned around the mission area - one is not too far in front of the mothership and is huddled in a group of resources. As soon as you're ready, it's time to take out the first carrier group.
During your fight against the missile destroyer and the gravity well generators, fleet intelligence informs you that guided missiles are ready to research. Use your research ship and research the new technology that lets you construct missile destroyers.
Definitive ship and resource management strategies
Masterful movement and combat methods
Comprehensive unit information
Detailed campaign walk-through
Proven multiplayer tactics
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