Icewind Dale Game Guide
Level 3 Spells
Dispel magic and miscast magic are your best bets among the level 3 spells, letting you both negate your enemies' spells and stop them from casting them.

Animate Dead (Necromancy)
See the level 5 mage spell animate dead.

Call Lightning (Alteration)
This is a powerful spell, except that it can only be cast outside. In Baldur's Gate, this wouldn't have been a problem, but in a dungeon crawl like Icewind Dale, it's useless 90 percent of the time. If you anticipate an out-of-doors battle, memorize call lightning, but otherwise pass it over.

Cure Disease (Necromancy)
Cure disease will, well, cure any disease on a character as well as restore five lost hit points. If you've got the space, this is another handy spell to have memorized, as you'll come across disease-inducing baddies fairly often.

Dispel Magic (Abjuration)
See the level 3 mage spell dispel magic.

Glyph of Warding (Abjuration, Evocation)
This spell will essentially block off an area from trespassers unless they either cast dispel magic on the area or make a successful saving throw. If they do neither, they'll take 1 to 4 points of damage per level of the glyph caster.

Hold Animal (Enchantment/Charm)
This will hold regular animals immobile and can affect multiple animals. Note that it will not hold humans or monsters. A saving throw will negate the effects, so beware that there is no guarantee of success.

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