Icewind Dale Game Guide
Level 6 Spells
There are several nice spells on this level, but none more useful than heal. This spell will return your character to new, regardless of any ill-effects from which he's suffering.

Animal Summoning III (Conjuration/Summoning)
You know, more powerful, longer lived animals are summoned.

Conjure Fire Elemental (Conjuration/Summoning)
See the level 5 mage spell conjure fire elemental. The priest version conjures a slightly stronger elemental, however.

Entropy Shield (Abjuration)
If you must defend your priest, this will fit the bill. It gives huge bonuses to all defensive categories and immunity to missile attacks.

Fire Seeds (Conjuration)
The four grenades created by fire seeds are cool, but not worth the very limited level 6 spell slots you have available. Skip this spell.

Heal (Necromancy)
This should be your first level 6 spell memorized. It completely heals a target, removing any other ill effects, such as disease, as well. I can't emphasize how helpful it is to suddenly have your top fighter go from almost dead to kicking some major butt again.

Sol's Searing Orb (Invocation)
This is a decent spell against general enemies, but against the undead, it's quite amazing. However, you should always make heal your first level 6 spell. Only choose this spell (or any other level 6 spell) if you already have heal memorized.

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