You will only have the opportunity to memorize a single level 7 spell in Icewind Dale, so choose wisely. Confusion (Enchantment/Charm) Similar to the level 4 mage spell confusion, this will hamper your enemies' ability to think clearly, causing some to wander aimlessly or go berserk. Conjure Earth Elemental (Conjuration/Summoning) See the level 5 mage spell, conjure earth elemental. The priest version conjures a slightly stronger elemental, however. Creeping Doom (Conjuration/Summoning) This is a spell similar to insect plague only stronger and safer for the party at the same time. It's definitely a recommended spell. Fire Storm (Evocation) This is another area-effect fire spell. Whoopdidoo. Pass on this one. Impervious Sanctity of Mind (Abjuration) Impervious sanctity of mind will stop any attempts to alter the caster's state of mind. It's a useful spell, but not as useful as creeping doom, conjure earth elemental, or resurrection. Resurrection (Necromancy) This is similar to the level 5 raise dead spell, except instead of restoring characters to life with 1 hit point, it gives them back full hit points, as if heal had been cast on them as well. This is essentially a raise dead spell that is useful in combat. Sunray (Evocation, Alteration) Skip this spell; it only provides weak damage and the one- to three-round blindness penalty isn't worth a level 7 spell slot. Symbol of Hopelessness (Conjuration/Summoning) When faced with a large group of enemies, this is a worthwhile spell to have due to its large area of effect. It will render all creatures that fail a saving throw hopeless, to the point of not even defending themselves. After casting this spell, your fighters can move in and make quick work of the remaining enemies, while the affected just stand and watch the slaughter. Symbol of Pain (Conjuration/Summoning) This is another great wide-area spell. Any creature failing a saving throw will receive huge penalties, including a harsh -4 to attack rolls.