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User Submission:

griff38 (aka griffmanco)

(mirrored here with permission)

"Another Jedi Bites the Dust"

A combat-music video by griff38..



This video file is rather large (nearly 40 megs zipped), I would advise using a download manager like GetRight to grab it if you can. There are mirrors available on FilePlanet and FileShack as well.

Video file showing griff's 0wnage (39.40 mb zipped)

Another video by griff is this (choose one: sad, amusing, humorous) short that demonstrates the pitfalls of bad sportsmanship in Jedi Outcast. Don't let this happen to you!

Video file: griff is accused of cheating *gasp* (aprox 1.34 mb)

been caught cheatin LTS.avi

(original file located here)