Art Of Sniping
is a sniper? A sniper is someone who eliminates enemies over
a distance from cover. There are many important aspects to
being a sniper in Jedi Outcast. A sniper should be:
is probably the single most important aspect of being a sniper.
You must being willing to wait for your opponent, get them
square in your sights, and then fire. If you aren't willing
to wait, you won't be a very good sniper. I like to think
of a sniper as someone who is removed from the action, but
directly affects what is going on. Instead of going into the
fray and fighting it out with everyone, you distance yourself
and pull the trigger.
in and out without being noticed
sniper must be able to efficiently move around without being
noticed. Know the map and the locations of the weapons, power-ups,
and bottlenecks which players frequently visit. Find the less
used paths and use them to get around. Use these paths to
get to sniping positions or to get the drop on unsuspecting
players. Force powers are also useful in this area. Use Force
Mind Trick to make yourself invisible to others. Note however
that Mind Trick is countered by Force Sight. Be able to move
around the map quickly and to get in and out of positions
where you have the advantage. Also use these routes to escape
and give other players the slip if you are being followed.
sniper, obviously, must be a good shot. They must be able
to hit their target most times. Only release a shot when the
enemy is dead in the sights. Remember to account for the movement
of the target if using slow-moving guns. (i.e. the Merr-Sonn
Missile System) Timing is everything. It is very important
to hit the enemy the first time. If you miss, they will know
they are being fired upon and take evasive action such as
using Force Speed and zigzagging which makes for difficult
shooting. You must sink the first shot, or you can almost
be guaranteed that your opponent will escape. Your first shot
is also the only time you have the element of surprise, which
is one of a sniper's greatest assets. While shooting, don't
bother aiming for the head. Instead, aim for the largest target
area for an easier shot. This is especially true when shooting
saber wielding enemies. Since the saber can absorb the shot,
aim below the saber, or the player's back or non-saber side.
This way, the saber can't defend the person. If a person has
Force Sight on, they can be difficult to hit. There are certain
times however that will usually get you a kill. Shoot them
below the waist because the dodging move only moves the top
half of the body. Shoot them when they are switching weapons
or if they are in the middle of an attack. (especially true
of the saber) A last good time to shoot them is when the are
in the air, as they have no dodging abilities. If your first
shot doesn't sink the enemy, quickly fire a non-charged shot
to finish them off. Sometimes the person has only a small
amount of health left and a non-charged shot is all it takes
to do the trick. The point is, take your time and hit your
is very important in the work of a sniper. A sniper must be
productive enough to keep up with the rest of the players
in the game. Sure, you can just pick up a gun, stand around,
and get a few kills, but you probably won't be anywhere near
the head of the scoring list. You need to know what you are
doing. As I already stated, patience is important, but so
is knowing when to move on to a new location. If nothing is
happening in your area and the other players are racking up
kills somewhere else, then go hunt them down. They are probably
so involved in a massive firefight that they won't notice
you enter until they start dropping dead. Know when to stay,
but also when to move. If they aren't coming to you, go hunt
them down. Also, if you still can't keep up, consider a change
in your overall battle plan.
quiet, I mean not just the lack of noise, but also the style
of play. A sniper shouldn't be the one charging into the room
full of people with a machine gun blazing. A sniper should
make their kill or two in an area and then disappear. A true
sniper knows how and when to appear and disappear. If two
people are battling and you eliminate one, the other one will
look over and they should find one of two things. Either the
sniper should be charging up to take out the other player
or should have disappeared. If people don't know your location,
they don't know which way to run. You should be able to locate
the target, get your job done, and move on to a new vantage
point. You should also be quiet in the true sense of the word.
Try to keep noise to a minimum when moving around. Don't run
around with a drawn saber which gives off noise and a bright
glow. It gives your location away instantly. Don't fire guns
off unnecessarily. They just point to your location. Another
way to reduce the amount of noise that you make is to walk
instead of running. Hold down the shift key to walk. Crouching,
although it slows you down, makes your movements silent. Be
as quiet as possible when moving around so no one knows where
you are.
the right Force Powers is essential to being a sniper. Force
powers are a personal choice, but there are some that I consider
Speed is essential for a sniper. Use it to get into position
or away from enemies in a hurry. Since speed is a requirement
for a sniper, Force Speed is a must. It is useful for many
things such as getting to power-ups or following enemies.
Jump is another must have. Use it to get to out-of-the-way
places, such as most sniper positions. It is also useful in
moving around the map, escapes, dodging, showing off, and
much more. This is probably the most important one.
Heal is a nice power to have in your pack. Since snipers need
to do everything on the go, you may not have time to get the
extra med pack. Use heal to avoid detours or if you are getting
low on health during a confrontation.
Jedi Mind Trick to keep you opponents confused and wondering
where you are. How can your enemies run away when they don't
know where you are? Although it sound like a pitch for a bad
horror movie, that is an important point. Keep your enemies
confused and they are all but yours.
last important Force Power is Force Sight. Use it to know
where your opponents are. It surrounds your opponents in auras,
making them easier to spot. You can also see them through
walls. Force Sight also negates Mind Trick so no one can fool
you. Another nice feature is that on level three, it makes
you automatically dodge fire from other snipers. Note that
while you dodge most sniper shots, they must be charged shots
to be avoided. Also note that Sight cannot protect you against
multiple snipers. If you are under fire from lots of snipers,
your best choice is to just get out of there. This power is
great because you can know where everyone is. Then you just
move in and fire away.
sniper is fast. You must be quick to make the kill and then
quickly move on. Move across the map quickly. Quickly get
into position and fire, then blaze out of there. The whole
point of sniping is to stay protected from enemies while destroying
them. If you just stay where you are, people will shoot back
and you will end up dead really fast. Use the Force to help
and be quick when on the hunt.
on individuals, but see all
job as a sniper is to break down the battle into individuals
and eliminate them. A good sniper can find a battle and zoom
in on one person, follow them, and then fire. That is a very
important strategy, but while focusing on detail, but sure
to notice what is going on in the big picture. Have the other
players moved? Has someone spotted you and is getting ready
to eliminate you? Who is winning the battle? Remember that
while you are zoomed in and picking people off, other people
are still moving and fighting and may have spotted you. Don't
stay in zoom mode too long or else someone may come up to
your side or be locking on to you behind you. Concentrate
on detail, but see the larger picture as well.
the map
full, complete knowledge of each map will greatly assist you
in sniping. You should know the good positions where you can
safely shoot at people and where they will have difficulty
firing back. Know where to move and where the power-ups are.
Know the main paths and the less traveled ones too. Find ways
you can travel in relative safety while still seeing where
others are going. Experiment with the Force Powers to find
what new places you can go. Force Jump for example lets you
go many places that would otherwise be inaccessible or would
take a long time to reach. In general, know the best way to
get from point A to point B on any map. Some things to take
in consideration while choosing a path are time, safety, power-ups,
traps, and how frequently traveled the path is.
new strategies and coping with opponents
practicing with the bots in the game, you may think you're
pretty good. And you may be. But there are definite differences
between bots and humans. Humans can think up new strategies.
They can figure you out. You can develop a good strategy and
beat the bots repeatedly. Take that strategy to humans and
they will figure it out eventually. Repeating one strategy
over and over just won't work. If the strategy you are using
isn't working, try thinking up a new one. If you know your
opponents' weaknesses, strive to exploit those weaknesses
to your advantage. There is no one strategy that will always
work 100% of the time. So think up new ones. Sometimes the
best thing to do is to mimic your opponent's style. Think
on your feet and get back into the game.
the guns
what nasty piece of weaponry you're toting around before you
get in the middle of battle and try firing it off. A sniper's
weapon of choice is the Tenloss
Disruptor Rifle. A fully-charged blast from the
secondary mode can take out an unshielded enemy in one hit
and a shielded in two. Use this weapon correctly and it will
love you right back. Zoom in, charge up, and fire. A fully
charged shot will make the enemy disappear. The Tenloss is
a hitscan weapon which means the shot instantly arrives as
soon as you release. There is no need to aim ahead as with
other guns. The Tenloss gives off noise when being charged
and fired. People may locate you from the noise, so be ready
to move on. Other sniping guns are the Merr-Sonn Missile System
and the Wookie Bowcaster. The secondary mode of the rocket
launcher seeks. The tracking of the secondary mode is silent,
which you can use to your advantage. Other players won't hear
anything while you are targeting them. Be sure to fire ahead
in primary mode if your opponent is moving. The same holds
true with the bowcaster. Use secondary mode for sniping.
from mistakes
is true in just about everything. Don't repeat the same bad
moves over and over again or you will just keep adding to
your body count. As I said earlier, change your approach if
one isn't working. Know where your opponents are strong or
weak. Use your mistakes to help you understand where you need
improvement, then go practice. 'Nuff said.
for others battling
for groups of people and pick them off. They will already
be weak from fighting each other. Taking them out will be
fairly easy. If there is a group of them, feel free to send
some rockets their way. No doubt they will appreciate it.
Depending on your own personal honor code, you can shoot people
in lightsaber duels. Since people dueling are so close together,
its easy to hit them both. It's especially easy with a large
gun like the Merr-Sonn Missile System.
of a sniper
is your advantage. Nobody expects a sniper. (or the Spanish
Inquisition for that matter) Use surprise for your benefit.
Your victims shouldn't see anything coming. Use Mind Trick
or anything available to keep people confused. A good player
confuses people and finds flaws in their game. If you keep
them expecting you, they will start second guessing themselves
and their game will fall apart. A very good sniper controls
the tempo of the game while quickly going about their business.
a good sniping position
good sniping position should have a superior position over
most other spots in the game. It should have a good view of
most of the map. It should have at least two quick escapes.
A good spot should have fast, easy access to shields, health,
and ammo. You do not want to be very exposed in your position.
You want as much cover as possible to keep you in relative
safety. Don't overuse the spot or else others will know where
you are and be ready to attack. As a sniper, you should always
be in an advantageous position to your opponents.
you find a good position, you will want to defend it. Try
placing trip mines near your location to help tip you off
if someone is coming. Place them in a corridor leading to
your spot and people will have to slow down and shoot them
or take damage. Once you hear or see the explosions, you will
know someone is coming. Then you can either prepare to defend
yourself or make a quick escape. Sentry guns could also be
used as an alarm or defense system. Use them to supply cover
fire as you make an escape. Another good thing to use is the
stationary shield. Use it to seal off a corridor so no one
can get to you, but you can still use the hallway. If someone
spots you and begins firing to flush you out, lay down a shield
to create a wall to stops the shots. Then step back behind
the wall and fire away from safety. Although the large shield
gives away your location, you have temporary safety. These
shields are also great in making escapes.
a sniper
counter a sniper, I would recommend having all the same Force
Powers as a sniper has so you can get to the same places and
do the same things as a sniper. Try to sneak up behind the
sniper and use a powerful weapon for quickly eliminating them.
Remember, if they have the scope on, they have a very limited
vision range. If you are quiet, they won't hear or see you
you can't sneak up behind them, try to get to a counter position
and pick them off with a Tenloss of your own. They may be
focusing somewhere else and never see it coming. Also to flush
a sniper out, you can fire some rockets their way. If they
are zoomed in, they can't move. The sniper will then either
have to get out of their position in a hurry or face the consequences.
Once they are back on the ground, they no longer have the
advantage. A sniper's main weakness is that they have such
a limited range when zooming in. If you do have to go into
the open where the sniper can hit you, remember to turn on
Force Speed and Sight to move faster and to dodge sniper fire.
Also carry the lightsaber which can block some of the shots
the sniper will undoubtedly be firing at you. Remember to
keep the blade aimed right at them.
did you think? Have a sniping strategy of your own? I may
even add it to this guide. Drop me a line.
Article by sith.