like to send a special thanks out to all the people who helped
get this site going, through their contributions of material,
time, and humor:
of course, for the perfect layout. ;)
for adding to our great content.
Ender (aka Raving Sith) for helping test out numerous
(aka Binary Fission) for his helpful testing and information
on saber strategies.
and the other folks at the Academy
for their useful information and friendly attitude.
all of the webmasters/authors and owners of the sites who
have given their kind permission to be linked to...
... server providers JediServers.com and EscapeTurkey.com for generously providing the services that have made Kurgan's Meatgrinder possible!
rest of the team at LucasFanNetworks, since you guys simply
rock, and it wouldn't be anything without you!
all the people who have contributed (especially those on LucasForums),
that I may have forgotten...
of course RavenSoft/LucasArts, and George Lucas without
which there would be no Jedi Knight II to spend hours writing
guides about!