Mount&Blade/Companion Comparison

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[edit] Party support role

Companion Attributes Personal skills
Alayen2 11878 0
Nizar3 77128 0
Firentis6 1012105 1
Katrin8 8111010 0
Baheshtur5 99127 0
Marnid1 77116 0
Borcha3 87127 0
Klethi2 71187 0
Artimenner7 99128 0
Jeremus4 87137 0
Matheld7 910910 0
Ymira1 69116 0
Lezalit5 98118 4
Bunduk9 128911 2
Rolf10 1091310 0
Deshavi2 89106 0

Companion Party skills
SurgeryFirst AidEngineerTrade
Alayen2 010000000
Nizar2 000000000
Firentis6 000000000
Katrin8 000020103
Baheshtur5 000000000
Marnid1 000010103
Borcha3 303200000
Klethi2 202200000
Artimenner7 120100043
Jeremus4 000034303
Matheld7 010000000
Ymira1 000011303
Lezalit5 000000000
Bunduk9 010000200
Rolf10 020001100
Deshavi2 203300000

[edit] Fighting Style

Companion Attributes Proficiencies
Alayen2 118 114113108109103117
Nizar2 77 939796979482
Firentis6 1012 109119114109105119
Katrin8 811 808381807584
Baheshtur5 99 959292999493
Marnid1 77 464452484648
Borcha3 87 616860686367
Klethi2 711 868781958883
Artimenner7 99 859786829386
Jeremus4 87 423430413434
Matheld7 910 10297107106103100
Ymira1 69 262730282820
Lezalit5 98 105118104115105115
Bunduk9 128 110123108124116118
Rolf10 109 114124114112112112
Deshavi2 89 888783828894

Companion Personal skills
Alayen2 130031130
Nizar2 330031320
Firentis6 120021320
Katrin8 300010020
Baheshtur5 120331123
Marnid1 100010220
Borcha3 110010220
Klethi2 113010200
Artimenner7 120021120
Jeremus4 110000020
Matheld7 120031320
Ymira1 000000130
Lezalit5 130031120
Bunduk9 320031120
Rolf10 122021320
Deshavi2 100210200

[edit] Likes, Dislikes, and Miscellaneous

Companion Attributes Leader skills
CompanionLikesDislikesLevelCostIntelligenceCharismaInventory ManagementPersuasionPrisoner ManagementLeadership
Attribute: IntIntChaCha
Nizar, failing quests2300 78 2001
Firentis2300 128 2002
Katrin, robbing villages, failing quests, too much fighting8free 105 2001
Baheshtur, hunger, not being paid8100 1010 7000
Marnid, hunger, not being paid, fleeing battle, heavy casualties5400 127 2002
Alayen, failing quests, robbing villages, raiding caravans, returning unwilling serfs to their village1free 116 3001
Klethi, heavy losses3300 127 2000
Artimenner, fleeing battle2200 87 2000
Jeremus, hunger, failing quests, heavy casualties7300 128 2000
Matheld, robbing villages, too much fighting, returning unwilling serfs to their village4free 137 3001
Ymira, fleeing battle7500 910 2003
Lezalit, robbing villages, leaving troops to cover retreat1free 116 3000
Bunduk, hunger5400 118 2002
Rolf, robbing villages, heavy casualties9200 911 2001
Deshavi, fleeing battle10300 1310 2002
Borcha, hunger, heavy casualties2free 106 2000
Each companion dislikes the companions on either side of them (Example: Borcha dislikes Deshavi and Klethi). If you wish to maximize your number of companions, you can choose 2-3 from the top circle and 4-5 from the bottom circle that are not touching.
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