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Lethwin, claimant to the throne of the Nords,
earned his nickname "Far-Seeker" from his travels to distant lands in
search of knowledge. His father died before his studies were completed,
and as he hurried home his ship was wrecked in a storm. Ragnar, one of
his father's thanes, claimed Lethwin had died in the shipwreck, and
gathered enough supporters to declare himself king. Ragnar derisively
calls him "Lethwin Inkfingers", and believes Lethwin's inexperience in
combat makes him unfit to rule the warlike Nords.
Starting equipment: Hunter, Tabard, Leather Boots, Mail Boots, Brigandine, Arming Sword, Horseman's Heater Shield, Kettle Hat
Level | 38
Cost | Free
Likes | (none)
Dislikes | (none)
Leader skills